Fiala goalscorer at cold record | Sports at home / abroad

NHL – Kevin Fiala and the Minnesota Wild lose the NHL’s outdoor game against the St. Louis Blues 4-6 – at minus 20.9 degrees. Small consolation for the Eastern Swiss: He scores the last goal.

With a 3-6 deficit, Minnesota tried a sixth outfield with six minutes to go. In fact, Fiala was able to shorten with his seventh goal of the season, but in the end it was a goal of no great value.

A good 38,500 fans watched this year’s Winter Classic at the Minneapolis baseball stadium. On the one hand, they witnessed the fifth defeat of the Minnesota Wild in a row and, on the other hand, they were present at a cold record. The minus 20.9 degrees that were measured at the start of the game were a good three degrees colder than the old minus mark of the NHL in November 2003 in Edmonton.

For Minnesota, it was the first game since December 20 due to corona and the Christmas break.

Nino Niederreiter and Roman Josi had more success earlier on New Year’s Day. Both were among the goalscorers when their teams won. Josi made his comeback after a Covid-19 quarantine in which his Nashville Predators lost twice.



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