Fine-tuning details! / Organization of the 2022 National Youth Sports Games advances

San Juan de los Morros.- This Saturday, January 15, the President of the Regional Sports Institute of Guárico (Irdebg), Ángel Acosta held a meeting with the 19 associations of the regional disciplines that will be present at the 2022 National Youth Sports Games.

This meeting was held at the olympic city of the Guariqueña capital, with the purpose of informing organizational aspects in view of this great national sports festival.

“We are proud of this great sports family from Guárico state. We are committed to the athletes, coaches and leaders present who will provide us with all the planning ideas for these national games”, commented the President of Irdebg Ángel Acosta.

During the meeting, various sports representatives contributed the planning they hold for their disciplines. “Basketball will have participation in the 3X3 modality, which is trained and working hard in the city of Tucupido. The players will give everything for everything, informed Luz Marina Vargas, Director of the Basketball Association.

In turn, Daniel Delgado, Director and Coach of hadball stressed that the team is preparing to assert the locality, “We are happy for this edition No. XX of these games, we are sub-headquarters and we have to respect the house”.

On the other hand, Pablo Mireles, President of the Weightlifting Association stated that, “5 athletes from the Monagas and Roscio municipalities will participate in our discipline. We are included in the fifth advanced regarding participation and we hope that our results will be positive, because we have had a good preparation.

It is important to mention that the delegation of Guariqueño athletes will be present in the following sports at the following venues: Basketball 3×3 (M), karate (MF), swimming (MF), skating races (MF), Caracas headquarters. in Miranda: Chess (MF) and rhythmic gymnastics (F).

Guaira: Aguas abiertas (M-F), boxeo (M-F), kenpo (M-F), levantamiento de pesas (M-F), sambo (M-F), tae kwon do (M-F), voleibol playa (M-F), lucha (M-F) y kickboxing (M-F).

Yaracuy – branch: Aerobic gymnastics (MF) and court volleyball (MF).

Lara – branch office: Athletics (MF).

Guarico – branch: Handball (M-F), coleo (M y F) Y bádminton (M-F).

With this, the Guárico state continues to demonstrate that it is a sports power, promoting and exalting all the organizational tools in order to achieve a prosperous participation of our athletes in the upcoming national sports event.

Daniel Celis Reyes  ECS Unerg


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