First edition of the Judo Gala with Huesca as the protagonist

The great family of Aragonese judo met yesterday in Huesca to celebrate the first gala edition of this sport, organized by the Aragonese Federation of Judo and Associated Sports (FAJYDA).

It was a gala, led by the journalist from Binéfar Paco Aznar and the vice-president of the federation, Cristina Berrocal, who was very agile and who showed the good health of this sport and, also, that the Alto Aragonese province is the great protagonist.

In an appointment that complied with all health protocols, such as ffp2 masks and the need to present the Covid passport, About a hundred people gathered.

In the first place, Berrocal began the act paying homage to the great pioneers of judo in Aragon, and thanking the judokas, coaches and families for their daily work. He also highlighted the achievements they have been achieving since the federation.

Then a short film was shown on the role of women in Aragonese judo, with several protagonists, and from there began the long delivery of awards.

The different medalists in Spanish championships in judo, katas, Jiujitsu, Kendo and Aikido began, as well as the award to Sergio Ibáñez for his medal at the Tokyo Paralympic Games and Judo Binéfar for his medal in the League of Clubs.

Immediately afterwards came the awards for the best judokas of 2021, in which the Alto Aragonese almost won the prizes. Moussa Macalou, from Barbastro, from Judo Binéfar, and Huesca from Escuela Ibón Raquel Miret were the absolute best, and among the Sub 18, Eduardo Miranda, from Judo Huesca, and Alba Ramírez, from Ibón, all within a long list that included coaches, entities and referees. In addition, the Teachers Association wanted to have a recognition with Carlos García and Fernando Alerre, and the three judoka who are enjoying a scholarship at the CAR in Madrid, Moussa Macalou, Sergio García and Sergio Ibáñez, were also recognized.

Different public and private sponsors were also recognized, and some danes were awarded, such as the fifth for Iván Pardo from Huesca and the fourth for Daniel Pions and Raúl Clemente from Binefar. The main promoters of the Modernization Program and the Binéfar Modernization Classroom were awarded, and finally an honorary black belt was given to the Director of Sports of the Government of Aragon, Javier de Diego, to the mayors of Huesca, Jaca and Binéfar and Fajyda’s legal adviser, José Tomás Burguete.

Too the Asturian and Cantabrian federations, and the Spanish, had a detail with the FAJYDA, which also responded with gifts for these estates.

And this awards ceremony was closed with a few words from both the president of the Fajyda, Jaqués José Ángel Hierro, and the mayor of Huesca, Luis Felipe.

Once the event was over, Hierro, who assured that it had been a very exciting day, highlighted from this gala that “the most educational aspect of this sport has been reinforced, not just the sporting aspect. Teachers and clubs are the vital base and together we want to move forward. We seek the greatest sporting and educational achievements to help achieve a freer, fairer and better educated society”.

And it also highlighted the leading role of the province in Aragonese judo. “Huesca right now is the heart of Aragonese judo, and you only have to see the medals achieved in national competitions, where the Alto Aragonese judokas dominate”.




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