“Here comes the green light for hiring.” And eyes already turned to the new calls

PORTO SANT’ELPIDIO – New hiring and new calls, prepares the roadmap for the new year just started in the Municipality. Millions come from the budget that will be approved by the junta next Monday or Tuesday. However, the refreshments for the pandemic which – with the air blowing – should be taken for granted.

There is no news in this regard from the Budget and the accounts can be done with what is currently available: 10 million for public works, 5 million for urban regeneration (of which we are also talking about in the foreground) to which 1.5 million is added. for schools. And there would still be many opportunities to be seized by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, as Councilor Marco Traini says. Eyes on the announcements.

“In a few days we will approve a particularly substantial budget – explains the councilor for the Budget -: there are resources for schools, for the 1st excerpt of the cliffs and we are preparing to participate in other calls”. Schools in the Cretarola, San Filippo and Corva districts, Mercantini, Collodi and Martiri elementary schools will be handled. «But let’s also think about the new gym of the Marconi middle school – says Traini – I am proud of the budget that we are preparing to approve. Since ours is a virtuous municipality, we can also afford new hires. We will hire 5 permanent employees: 1 management instructor, 2 social workers, for now 1 municipal agent and 1 administrative instructor. We will also turn a part time into full time. In addition to public works, we pay particular attention to social issues. We need a new workforce because the period certainly calls for it. Concrete support for the population is essential ».

As we said from this point of view, at least so far, there are no state resources for the families most in difficulty. «I really hope that there will be» warns Traini «the social sector requires immediate responses to the crisis due to the pandemic». The public works program foresees the asphalt operation: 100 thousand euros this year destined for the purpose. Municipal headquarters to be redeveloped and are 150,000 euros. The defense of the coast starts and the first tranche is 7.5 million. 900 thousand euros are invested for the town hall to be seismically adapted. There is the covered market, one million 700 thousand euros. Other minor interventions such as the basketball court in via Faleria, the sewer in via Potenza, the burial niches in the cemetery, the lighting in via della Tecnologia and the riser for the Corva, the baseball field in via Caserta. Five million are arriving from the PNRR to complete the redevelopment of the Center between the covered market, Orfeo Serafini and Villa Murri. They are all connected urban redevelopment projects. Approved the budget in the Executive, the definitive adoption in the Council.

No increase in taxes, the Imu, the personal income tax and the Tari let the administration know. Even if the rates have not been fixed for the latter. It will be paid between September and December. The tourist tax has also been reintroduced: 0.50 euros per person per night for 14 nights between July and August.





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