Joe Ingles del Jazz enters COVID-19 protocols

SALT LAKE CITY – Joe Ingles entered NBA health and safety protocols on Tuesday, becoming the first Utah Jazz player to be added to that list this season.

The Jazz had been the only NBA team that did not yet have a player on the protocols this season. The other 29 had a player sidelined by COVID-19 at some point in the past three weeks during this outbreak, many of them placing more than 10 players on that list.

Ingles will not play with Utah visiting Denver on Wednesday, the Jazz said. There is no set date for their return.

The number of players in the protocols has dropped considerably in recent days, peaking at 125 last week and dropping to 75, according to figures released by the teams, as of Tuesday night. The numbers change often and some players still listed in the protocols are closer to returning than others.



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