Judo Club Dudweiler looks back on an extremely successful year – Dudweiler-Blog.de

(Press release) Dear members,

our first year together is drawing to a close. A very successful year.
The Judo Club Dudweiler, which was virtually out of nowhere during the pandemic, now has two training facilities in Dudweiler. New mats could be purchased to enable optimal training.

Our membership increased by 50% over the course of the year. Our children and teenagers were at the participating tournaments
very successful. Jessica Linder won the title “German Champion”.

All of this was only possible because everyone pulled together. Today I would like to say thank you for that.
THANK YOU to our board of directors
THANK you to our trainers
THANK YOU to all of our members.

You were all so good that I could say “stay as you are”, but this would mean standstill. So stay active, get involved, bring new ideas, because this is the only way our association will be alive.

Happy New Year everyone

Herbert Wagner


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