Hello ✋ I’m the dark circle of “ALL FOR STYLE” ????
Today’s title is “What is the ideal standing posture?” ☝️ Actually, if you can’t maintain the ideal good posture, it will have an adverse effect on your independence nerves ????????
In other words, posture and independence are closely related ????
Perhaps, there are many people who have increased their different movements and tasks due to changes in their workplaces and schools. ❓ It means that different muscles are stressed ???????? Naturally, ideally. To maintain a good standing posture, you need healthy and strong muscles ???? Tired muscles cannot support your core,Posture will be distorted ???? And it will cause autonomic imbalance and symptoms such as pain and dullness will increase ????
That is ????
At our hospital, we always perform posture analysis before treatment ????
Pain always has a cause ???? Postural distortion is very often the root cause ????️
At our hospital, we check two patterns of posture, one seen from the side and the other seen from the back ✔️
First of all, it is a point of good posture seen from the side ✨ ☝️
When looking at a person’s body from the side, the head must be directly above the body ???? Ideally, there should be no strong roundness on the back or so-called stooping ????
The pelvis should stand vertically and not bend or curl up ????????
Ideally, the knee joint should not be warped or curled up ????
When you stand with your back against the wall, it is good to have a gap between your waist and the wall so that your palm fits in. Please stand 5 cm to 7 cm apart ????
The pelvis has the anterior superior iliac spines and the pubic tubercle on the same vertical plane, respectively. ❇️❇️
Good posture seen from behind
The inside of the scapula should be parallel to the spine ⛓️
The distance between the two is 7 to 7.5 cm for adult men and 5 to 6 cm for females ???? How about everyone ❓
The left and right pelvis must be the same height ????
Ideally, the knee should be about 5 degrees inside and the heel should be about 3.5 degrees inside ????????
Also, although I don’t usually check it, the lower angle of the sternum is 70 to 90 degrees ???? The ribs that spread from the epigastrium to the left and rightIt’s the angle of the edge ????
Both shoulders are natural, but the ideal height is the same on the left and right ????
The ideal posture is that the knees have no O-legs or X-legs and the body can be divided symmetrically ????????
If the posture reflected in the mirror is different from the posture just mentioned, it can be said that there is a distortion of the posture ???? You need to check the posture once ???? You hold it The current symptom and cause may be posture ????