Mellac. A new tatami for young judokas

Long awaited by the leaders of the judo club, the new tatami was received during the Christmas holidays and installed on Friday January 7, 2022 before the weekly training session for young judokas. This new equipment with a surface area of ​​120 m² can be rolled up.

The Mellac club, a training structure for initiation into judo, which depends on the Quimperlois dojo, has 60 young licensees divided into two groups. In order to allow the children to attend the training sessions, members of the club take care of the children at the school daycare.

With numbers that will certainly increase, the club leaders and state-certified professor Guenael Fléjo have been asking for a dojo for several seasons, a room suitable for the practice of this discipline “ With this new equipment with a roll-up surface of 120 m², no need to put down and then pick up the many rugs at each session. But today, what we expect is an evolution room intended for judo which could also be used for schools. », Declared the president of the dojo, Arnaud David. “ The cost of the tatami mats is € 13,600. The old carpets will be kept in order to respond to the increased activity of the judo club. », Clarified the communications assistant, Armelle Bihannic.



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