Continuing with the training of sports professionals, such as physical education teachers, physical trainers, sports technicians, among others, the Mindep and IND team moved to the Municipal Gymnasium of Pichidegua to carry out the Badminton and Weightlifting workshops. by teachers Pedro Valenzuela and Esteban Toloza, respectively.
The objective of this initiative, which began in the second half of 2021, is to instruct people who wish to increase their knowledge, consolidate ideas and initiatives, and subsequently transfer this instruction to the field in which the professional develops.
In two successive days, 34 professionals received theoretical-practical training, which culminated in a certification led by the Sports Seremi, Diego Ramírez, and Mayor Marcos Fuentes, in addition to the support professional of the Regional Ministerial Secretariat, Rodolfo Pereira.
Precisely the sector chief, indicated that, “these cycles aim to present some of our disciplines that are part of the Promesa Chile program, whose task is to prioritize disciplines to be able to attract talent, both in the conventional and Paralympic area and thus be able to nurture the Team Chili”.
Finally, the mayor of Pichidegua said that it is very good to add “two new sports disciplines to the commune and it is even better that our Seremi del Deporte accompanies us at the beginning of these training sessions. We want our neighbors to be as healthy as possible and for physical activity to remain intact over time”.