“Now that Wouter Vandenhaute is taking the lead in the Pro League, there was no longer a role for Pierre François” | Extra Time

“The departure of Pierre François has nothing to do with Operation Clean Hands“, explains Peter Vandenbempt at the table of Extra Time.

“His mandate expired at the end of the season anyway. There are new people who are taking over: Wouter Vandenhaute (the chairman of Anderlecht) is playing a pioneering role in the reorganization of the Pro League and contacts with politics.”

“Vandenhaute was going to do that together with Vincent Mannaert (manager at Club Brugge), but because he was referred in Proper Handen, he will still cooperate, but from the background.”

“Bruno Venanzi and Michel Louwagie are withdrawing as representatives of the Pro League from the football association and that has to do with Clean Hands.”

“If you want to take a new path, in which Vandenhaute takes a pioneering role in the search for a new CEO and chairman, then there was no longer a role for Pierre François.”

“However you look at it, in contacts with politics, François still symbolized the old culture within the Pro League.”



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