Founded in ’58, it is the oldest company in Sardinia Il maestro Giordo: we want to continue this adventure
by Piero Garau
January 20, 2022
SASSARI. The Judo Club Torres, the first club of this discipline born in Sardinia, is celebrating its first 65 years in these days. It was maestro Mario Canopoli, in 1958, who had the intuition to found a judo company which he would then lead for 25 years. Over the years the club will become a hotbed of champions who have given Sassari, in addition to the titles of regional champions, several Italian category and absolute titles, and many awards and victories in international competitions.
The Sassari association, led for several years by the meritorious master 6 ° dan Giuseppe Giordo, born in 1938, first disciple and then direct successor of the master Canopoli, goes beyond the simple teaching of the discipline by carrying out a program that helps athletes, especially the younger ones. , to face the growth phases, not only below the competitive level.
«The Judo club Torres from the moment of its birth has always wanted to give a” home “to the many young people who played on the street without having a” refuge “- recalls the master Giordo -. Our first office was in Viale Adua, adjacent to the Torres football premises, in fact the first managers of Torres judo were the same as Torres football. In these 65 years our company, thanks to our many athletes, has given prestige to Sardinia, bringing home an infinite number of regional and national titles with male champions of the caliber of Antonio Polo and Tony Tola, winner of two Italian titles , while in the women’s field they won the Italian title: Anna Maria Cossu, Valeria Casadio, Maria Assunta Parsani, Sebastiana (Tiana) Tola with six titles conquered ».
Today, despite the pandemic, Judo Torres has 40 athletes registered in different weight categories. The master Giordo, who still trains the masters on the mat, with his collaborators, the masters Stefano Masala 2 ° dan and Domenico Uda 1 ° dan, and the technician Daniele Desole, carries on the fundamental principles that have ensured that the Sassari association is among the most loved and respected clubs in the national and international judo scene.
Judo is a complete sport physically and mentally, which teaches absolute respect for the opponent even and especially after the end of the match. “In these days we are celebrating 65 years of activity – concludes Giuseppe Giordo – as soon as possible we will toast with the old and new athletes of the Torres judo club hoping to continue this wonderful adventure, as long as possible”.
For over twenty-five the definitive headquarters of the Torres Judo Club has been in the gym in via Prati, which the Sassari association shares with weightlifting, karate, wrestling, Olympic and Greco-Roman companies.