Opinion on Oviedo and Sporting: Those sacred contracts

Christmas is over. Oviedo makes numbers to turn the Tartiere into an impregnable castle at once and Sporting focuses on the Cup, that tournament that will make them go back to being First for a couple of blinks. And nothing else, because The stink that the Gallego team gives off is that, at this point in the season, the course is considered suspended, again.

The penultimate is that the fault of the collapse of the defense of the rojiblanco team is due to the fact that Javi Fuego was not renewed. It is said by Babin, another veteran who has just finished his contract, a center-back and a muñidor of some of the most famous phrases of recent times: “Even my cousin from Martinique knows it”, “the derby is the final of the Champions League, the end of the world” , “El Molinón does not bust nor my cousin” … Almost nothing.

The penultimate is that the fault of the collapse of the defense of the rojiblanco team is due to the fact that Javi Fuego was not renewed. It is said by Babin, another veteran who has just finished a contract, a center-back and a stubber of some of the most famous phrases of recent times

Now we must add, in addition to his longing for Javi fire, what of “Not two months ago was all Walt Disney and now all bad”. Well, the boys take time to show that one of Disney and one of Wes Craven there is something else in between. It remains to see, enjoy, and we’ll see if we can laugh at the winter market, which is already full.

In Oviedo we learned that the departure of Arribas It was not free and that the fact that the struggling balloon troop goes around forgiving part of the soldier, nothing at all. It is one thing to collect deferred and another to forgive. And this is so in the mother of the ball, in Madrid, at the home of Laporta and in Bollullos del Condado. That they already said it Faemino and TiredFriendship is one thing and money is another. And in the “furgol” you already know what is most sacred. Home, go!



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