Phil Mickelson’s controversial tweet about the omicron variant that generated a stir in the networks

Phil Mickelson is not one of those quiet people. Whenever he has something to say, he says it; be it a joke, a serious comment or a simple observation. And this week, he did exactly the last thing: an observation. Or rather, a question. This time, the left-handed golfer generated controversy on Twitter by commenting on the expansion of the omicron variant of the new coronavirus, which in the last week became the fastest spreading in the United States and in various parts of the world.

The San Diego native was curious about the strategy used globally to contain this new strain, which, according to experts, is much less lethal, and he tweeted a few days ago: “Serious question since I am not a doctor. If omicron is contagious, but not fatal (25,000 cases in Africa with no deaths), why try to control it? Why not just let it go and let people get it and build immunity? Especially for those who won’t get vaccinated? Please don’t hate me I’m just curious”.

His curiosity generated various comments, both for and against, since it is a very sensitive issue: regardless of the danger of this new variant, the coronavirus has caused almost 838 thousand deaths in the United States since the start of the pandemic, and divides many people with very powerful messages.

This year, Phil Mickelson became the oldest player to win a Grand Golf Championship, doing so at age 50 and 11 months at the PGA Championship.AFP

“Kill people. Fill hospitals. It causes long-term sequelae. Causes disability. We are facing a long-term health crisis that we have never experienced before ”a user replied. Then another said: “Because for many immunosuppressed people, like my wife, my mother and my sister, letting something like this run rampant could be a death sentence. So please wear a mask, get vaccinated, social distancing, and think of those who might be most affected by it. Thanks”. A third Internet user went further and reproached him: “You realize the power you wield ´just doing this question, right? Please stop pretending an idea is floating innocently; We have been in this for two years. Assume some responsibility “.

Many people, however, supported the reigning PGA Championship champion. Although “Lefty” will be left with the lesson of not acting like that when it comes to a very fine grain theme.

After that, the winner of six tournaments majors wrote a new message again during the Christmas holidays. First, he indicated, with an ironic tone in the face of some insults he received: “Thank you all for your lively responses.”.

I see a lot of support for this to spread“, Said the Californian who later added”the main reasons to try and try to contain the virus are: 1) full hospitals and collapsed medical workers, 2) as of today we do not know the severity of this variant, 3) loved ones with compromised immunity about the virus could be fatal”. And he ended by pointing out: “I’m curious to see what happens in SA (South Africa) and what happens with this variant”.


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