Popular Sports: Hodei Ezpeleta is confirmed in Asteasu

Ezpeleta, at one point in the competition. / yarza

The current champion of Euskadi de aizkolaris also wins the Urrezko Aizkolarien Kopa ahead of ‘Basozabal’ and Julen Gabirondo

Iñigo Goñi

Hodei Ezpeleta confirmed that his victory in the Aizkolaris Euskadi Championship is very serious and yesterday, December 31, was proclaimed champion of the Urrezko Aizkolari Kopa disputed in the Usorabi fronton in Asteasu. On the last day of the year, the aizkolari from Eibar won the most precious final of a festival that also crowned Mikel Lopetegi ‘Urra’ and Iñigo Eizagirre ‘Eiza’ as winners of the Binakako Harrijasotzaile Txapelketa. In addition, Garbiñe Lopez de Uralde and Ruth Linaza won the trontza championship, Karmele Gisasola ‘Zelai III’ won the Emakumezkoen Ingude Txapelketa, while Nerea Sorondo did the same in the Emakumezkoen Aizkora Txapelketa.

Hodei Ezpeleta culminated with a new triumph in 2021 in which he also won the first category Euskadi Championship. The Eibartarra again showed that he adapts well to long jobs and out of twelve kanaerdikos he beat Jokin Urretabizkaia ‘Basozabal’ and Julen Gabirondo. The fight was even between the three Aizkolaris, but Ezpeleta opened the gap towards the end and led Basozabal by one minute. The champion finished his work in 27 minutes and 13 seconds; Basozabal, at 27:14, and Gabirondo at 30:01.

‘Urra’ makes the difference

Zaragoza’s Mikel Lopetegi ‘Urra’ and Iñigo Eizagirre ‘Eiza’ won the tournament in pairs for harrijasotzailes after achieving 126 lifts and a total of 14,679 kilos. Jokin Eizmendi and Gorka Etxeberria lifted the stones 120 times and accumulated 14,003 kilos. Hodei Iruretagoiena ‘Izeta IV’ and Iraitz Arruti closed the classification with 12,189 kilos in a total of 105 lifts.

Urra’s performance with the 125-kilo cup was essential. There he took 1,250 kilos ahead of Gorka Etxeberria and that disadvantage was already insurmountable for Eizmendi and Etxeberria.

The harrijasotzailes had to lift the 150-kilogram rectangular and the 125-kilogram cube in three-minute batches alone, then alternating between the 113-kilogram cube and the 100-pound ball.

Excitement among the girls

In the women’s finals the favorites did not fail. In the anvil competition, Karmele Gisasola, with 99 lifts, beat Maika Ariztegi (91). Lucia Orbe was low with the ten kilo anvil in a minute and a half job. In the trontza, Garbiñe Lopez de Uralde and Ruth Linaza made 12 cuts to a 45-inch log in four minutes and 39 seconds for the 4:52 that Ainhoa ​​and María Iraizoz needed. It was without a doubt the most exciting final of the evening in Asteasu.

To end the duel between the champion and runner-up of Euskadi of aizkoalris, it was declined in favor of the champion Nerea Sorondo, who took six minutes and 43 seconds to cut three 43-inch logs. The young Hernaniarra Laiene Pikabea took a minute and 44 seconds more, showing that she continues to improve and that in the near future she will be Sorondo’s great rival in the fight for the great titles of the aizkora.



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