Also on Sunday against Wolfsburg, only a small part of the Leipzig fans can enjoy the stadium: 1000 spectators are allowed, previously there were ghost games since November. Sure: that stinks for the fans. BILD asked.
Jan Wieland (56, Holy Bulls): “One no longer has confidence that these limitations are scientifically based. What sense does a number of 1000 make in a stadium of almost 50000? All are boosted or tested, as in Saxony-Anhalt, at least 50 percent must finally be allowed. We want our stadium back!”
Photo: Private
” data-zoom-src=””/> Bull fan Jan Wieland Photo: Private
Mike Brauer (53, “13 friends”): “For me as a football fan, it’s incomprehensible that I can’t be there in the stadium due to the restriction to 1000 spectators. With booster vaccination and a comprehensive security concept in the stadium, a significantly higher capacity utilization must be possible. I have no sympathy for this political decision!”
<img class="photo ondemand zoomable" src=",w=1280,c=0.bild.jpg" width="1280" alt="Leipzig-Fan Mike Brauer" data-zoom-title="Leipzig-Fan Mike Brauer
” data-zoom-src=””/>
Leipzig-Fan Mike BrauerPhoto: Private
Olaf Olschewski (56, “Holy Bulls”): “It’s high time that we fans can go back to the stadium! Everything indicates that Omikron has mild courses. Art, culture, sport and participation for all are the glue of society!”
<img class="photo ondemand zoomable" src=",w=1280,c=0.bild.jpg" width="1280" alt="RB-Fan Olaf Olschewski" data-zoom-title="RB-Fan Olaf Olschewski
” data-zoom-src=””/>
RB-Fan Olaf OlschewskiPhoto: Private
The bad thing: there is no improvement in sight. Only now has the Saxon state government published a phased opening plan. It says: At professional sports events with over 5000 fans, full utilization under 3G is only possible with an incidence under 100. And: Even with a value below 35, there are access restrictions according to the 3G model.
So normal football will not be possible as long as there is Corona and regulations!