Report on abuse in the church: Benedict admits participation in explosive meetings – Panorama – Society

Former Pope Benedict XVI. has corrected an essential statement on the Munich abuse report. Contrary to his previous account, he did take part in the Ordinariate meeting on January 15, 1980, according to a statement to the Catholic News Agency (KNA).

At the meeting, which Benedikt attended as Archbishop Ratzinger of Munich and Freising, a priest was discussed who had repeatedly come to light because of the sexual abuse of children.

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However, the error was “not done out of bad faith”, but “the result of an oversight in the editing of his statement”, Benedikt now said. He is “very sorry” for this and he apologizes.

However, in the meeting in question “no decision was made about a pastoral assignment of the priest in question”. Rather, the request was only made to “enable accommodation for the man during his therapeutic treatment in Munich”. Benedict XVI wants to know how the accident happened. explain in its “pending opinion”.

At the Ordinariate Conference in question in January 1980, the aim was to receive this priest from the diocese of Essen in Munich. In his first statement during the hearing, which was included in the WSW report, Benedict XVI. denied attending the meeting.

The former Pope, who was Archbishop of Munich-Freising from 1977 to 1982, wants to give a detailed statement at a later date, said his private secretary Archbishop Georg Gänswein of the KNA. The 94-year-old asks for your understanding that the full review of the 1,900-page report will take time. According to the statement, the reading of the statements so far has filled him “with shame and pain at the suffering” inflicted on the victims.

The report published on Thursday by the Westpfahl Spilker Wastl (WSW) law firm states that Joseph Ratzinger, as Archbishop of Munich (1977-1982), behaved incorrectly in four cases. In addition, the experts expressed considerable doubts about his statements on a particularly explosive case of a repeat offender.

Reform movement “Maria 2.0” demands that Ratzinger renounce his title

The report on sexual violence in the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising meanwhile has further consequences: The Catholic reform movement “Maria 2.0” calls for Pope Benedict XVI. to lay down his papal name. “In view of this, we expect Joseph Ratzinger to refrain from using his papal name and associated titles and insignia,” the feminist initiative said. He “played down the sexual abuse of minors in an almost brazen way”.

“This report must not remain without consequences for the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising, but also for the Catholic Church as a whole,” said “Maria 2.0”. The initiative is also calling for consequences for the other responsible parties who the report accuses of misconduct.

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In addition to Ratzinger, these include his successors as archbishops, Cardinal Friedrich Wetter and incumbent Cardinal Reinhard Marx, who has been accused of formal misconduct in two cases.

“We believe that none of these individuals can remain in their current positions. We consider it imperative that they renounce all offices, functions and honorary titles they currently hold, as well as all related income.” (dpa)



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