The CROS Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Sport Trophies are unveiled

The CROS Auvergne-Rhône Alpes unveiled this Tuesday, January 4, the outlines of its great evening of Sports Trophies. The event will take place on February 8 and will reward amateur athletes from the region.

“A large gathering of the regional sports movement. ” This is the objective of these Sports Trophies. Launched in 2019 by the CROS Auvergne-Rhône Alpes, the event will be repeated in 2022. This second edition rewards regional athletes for their achievements in 2020 and 2021. This Tuesday, January 4, the outlines of the ceremony were unveiled during a press conference at the very recent Maison Régionale des Sports in Lyon (Rhône). The evening will be held on February 8 at Matmut Stadium in the “regional sports campus” located near Gerland, the former home of Olympique Lyonnais, now that of LOU Rugby.

Amateur sport from all over the region, and all disciplines

Christian Levarlet, president of CROS, was alongside Alexandre Nanchi, regional councilor in charge of sports. The latter recalled that the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region is “The one with the most sports clubs in France, and the second in terms of number of licensees. “” The region is determined to promote sport in all its forms “, he added. These Sports Trophies reward competitive sports practice, but also amateur. Thus, none of the regional athletes who will be rewarded are professionals. We then find disciplines such as athletics, judo or even amateur championship teams. During the first edition in 2019, CROS received 130 applications. This year, there are 110, coming from the whole of the AURA region, from Cantal to Allier via Savoie.

14 prizes awarded during the evening

Regarding the Trophies, the awards are divided into three categories of athletes. First the high level, called “elite”, then young people with high potential (under 21) called revelations. Finally, team sports teams will be honored. Each category includes male and female rewards, as well as categories for able-bodied or disabled athletes, whether in disabled sports and adapted sports. To complete and achieve fourteen prizes, the Regional Council and CROS will each award a Trophy. The jury of the main categories will rule on January 14th. It is made up of members of the CROS and representatives of the Region, as well as of certain partners of which SPORTMAG is part. On the evening of February 8, 500 people are expected, if the Covid does not spoil the party. “But I am optimistic that this event takes place on schedule”, says Christian Levarlet.

The full reaction of the CROS president on video


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