The National Championships of Serie B and C, Regional of D and Division and the National Championships of the category have been suspended until Sunday 6 February

The Italian Volleyball Federation, after an in-depth analysis of sporting activity, put in great difficulty by the persistence of the current pandemic context, has deemed it appropriate to suspend all federal activities, with the exception of the Men’s and Women’s Serie A Championships, until next February 6. .
This painful, but considered, choice has matured after realizing that at the moment the necessary conditions do not exist to safely restart the national championships of Serie B and C, the regional championships of Serie D and Division and all the Championships. National category.
Friendly matches and tournament activities will be suspended from today until February 6, while the clubs will be able to continue to train regularly, always in compliance with the federal protocols in force.
The Italian Volleyball Federation hopes with extreme determination and conviction that after this further suspension we can restart with all the activities, in a better pandemic context than the one we are experiencing these days.
At the moment FIPAV has assessed the risk of returning to the field too high without having the guarantees of being able to play the championships regularly, thus facing numerous new possible postponements.
The Federal Council, through the suspension of the activity, aims to allow all companies to take advantage of these weeks off to manage problematic situations, due to infections, and to adapt to the new FMSI “Return to Play” protocol. , approved by the Ministry of Health with circular 3566 of 18 January 2022
During this period, FIPAV and its decision-making bodies will continue to monitor the situation on a daily basis and will work to establish the new federal activity planning, always protecting the health of every component of the Italian volleyball movement.
President Manfredi and the entire Federal Council, as always done up to now, reaffirm their closeness to the clubs, athletes, technicians, managers and match officials, continuing to guarantee the utmost commitment to overcome even this further moment. of extreme difficulty.



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