The strangest places to get vaccinated against Covid

When the Covid vaccine arrived last year we weren’t at all surprised at the strange places we would have to sit to get our dose. A baseball stadium? Sounds cool! At the supermarket? I take advantage and do the shopping. Yes, sure, it was a bit unusual, but these days what isn’t; and then waiting in the corridors of your middle school is a small price to pay in exchange for vaccine protection. Today, like many things that seemed bizarre to us at first in 2020 and 2021, vaccination centers are part of everyday life.

Here we have collected the most mysterious, worldly or miserable ones where people have so far received their dose:

1. Dracula’s Castle

Bran Castle in Transylvania is a national monument known to tourists as ‘Dracula’s Castle’. And although there is no evidence that Bram Stoker was inspired by this palace for his residence in Dracula, it’s still fun to be able to say to have been stung here from something other than a vampire’s fangs.

Here they get stings, not bites.

2. Under the watchful eye of the whale from the New York Museum of Natural History

In real life we ​​will never be able to experience an adventure like in A night at the museum, but there are those who have received the third dose under the largest mammal on Earth, a blue whale, and it is, even so, a thing to brag about.

At the New York Museum of Natural History. Fonte: Twitter.

3. In empty shopping malls and abandoned department stores

Many Americans have reported returning for the booster dose in a decadent area shopping center or in the emptied carcasses of worn out department stores from the retail apocalypse. There are those who have been vaccinated in a Lord and Taylor forgotten, in a Best Buy abandoned (in photo) and in an ex Pier 1 Imports. TikTok user Lauren Haden waited for the third dose in the bare vestiges of an old Victoria’s Secret, complete with mirrored ceilings and, inexplicably, Minion hardbacks.

This user got vaccinated in an abandoned mall that was reopened as a vaccination hub. Fonte: Twitter.

4. In an amusement park

At the beginning of 2021, many in America were called to line up in the deserted parking lots of amusement parks, from Magic Mountain a Disneyland. Closed at the beginning of the pandemic, these amusement parks have reopened, with Disneyland which closed its vaccination site and, ironically, it doesn’t ask visitors to prove they are vaccinated.

For a short time the “happiest place on earth” was also a vaccination hub.

5. In a social center of the community

More than libraries e pool, the local Italian Culture Center won the affection of Vancouver’s vaccine recipients, taking advantage of the moment to educate non-Italians on the relaxing qualities of a boiling sauce. Mmm … just like grandma did!

The translated tweet: “I had the third dose at the Italian Culture Center and in practice while you are waiting sitting after the booster they show you a video of a guy who turns the sauce”.

6. In the pharmacy, with background music

Many Americans have been vaccinated in the neighborhood pharmacy and therefore it is not exactly such a rare experience. But it sure has its charm to get the vaccine under fluorescent lights, at the end of the trick lane, to the beat of a 2000s song.

Translated Tweets: 1. “I just had the vaccine in a CVS (pharmacy chain, ed) in Times Square with Jason Mraz singing on the radio “; 2.” I just got the vaccine in a (pharmacy, ed) Kroger with How To Save A Life by The Fray shot at full blast, it sounded like April Fools’.

7. In a club

There are those who say they have been vaccinated in all types of venues, even strip clubs, but this tweet confirms that we have to live in Berlin. I have decided, I am moving to Germany.

Tweet translated: “Meanwhile in Berlin free test stations are everywhere and there are rarely any files and I just received the booster in a club, under a tribute engraved in wood to Clara Zetkin and two MS-DOS floppy disks”.

This article was translated from the US edition of Mashable.



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