victory against Naples and Final Eight for Brindisi, the report cards

Return to victory for Happy Casa Brindisi which can finally return to celebrate and at the same time stamp the pass to qualify for the Final Eight of the Italian Cup 2022. In the recovery of the 15th day of the championship in a real direct clash against Naples, ousted with this defeat 89-75 from the best eight in Italy.


Adrian 7: forces archery a little but overall plays a good game, with a solid performance bringing points and rebounds.

J. Perkins 6: today he starts from the bench, alternating great plays, such as spectacular assists, with some risky choices that often lead him to lose the ball.

Vitucci: ne.

Visconti 6-: he stays on the parquet for 20 minutes, he doesn’t affect a lot and today he takes even a few shots but in any case there is also his contribution in the victory.

Gaspardo 5,5: he starts the game but seems to be a distant relative of the player seen at the beginning of the season. 4 and as many rebounds but nothing else.

Ulaneo: sv.

Redivo 8.5: a boy with a lot of talent, scores 15 points in just 14 minutes on the court, shoots with a very precise 3/4 three-pointer and also shows a lot of defense.

Clark 7: today he is the starting point guard for Brindisi, he starts well even if he stays out for a long time. A very positive performance, in attack he plays well with his teammates and in defense he is on every ball.

Guido: ne.

Chappell 8: his contribution in defense is fundamental, he recovers 4 balls and equally important in attack, where he creates important actions and scores 14 points

Udom 6: he too is not seen for very long on the court today, he finishes with 4 points and 3 rebounds taken in 13 minutes.

N. Perkins 8,5: the player we saw before the stop for Covid is back, the one who played 35 minutes and scored over 20 points in each game. Today he was in good shape and under the scoreboards he dominates, very well both in attack (8/14 shooting) and in defense.


Zerini 5: today the physicality of Perkins suffers a lot and affects little as nothing. Closes with 4 points and 5 rebounds.

McDuffie 5: even today a bad game, he has wet powders and struggles so much to find the basket.

Pargo 6,5: with his 15 points he is the man who tries to keep Naples afloat, shoots blanks from 3 points and still makes several mistakes.

Velicka 4: 1/6 to the shot and 1/6 from the line, today there was absolutely no.

Lynch 4,5: it takes only 4 pitches and in the 17 minutes it remains on the parquet it does not show anything.

Parks 7,5: double double of 17 points (7/14) and 10 rebounds, but the 7 turnovers stand out. However, his performance is not enough given the disasters of his teammates.

Marini 6: he too, like the rest of the team, misses a lot in shooting and commits too many errors in both halves of the field.

Uglietti: sv.

Lombardi 6: today for Napoli he was one of the most accurate in shooting and solid also in defense. Collect 8 rebounds and score 14 points.

Rich: born

Fat: no

Sinagra: ne


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