What were the origins of the school?

The origin of the school dates back to the Middle Ages and his classes were taught in ecclesiastical establishments. But the earliest records of ancient civilizations suggest that education, in one form or another, always existed. The need to perpetuate the knowledge acquired by man made teaching indispensable. For this reason, the transmission of knowledge dates back to the first hominids.

History of school or formal education

The history of formal education began parallel to the beginning of ancient civilizations. In the Middle East, around 3000 BC. C., in Egypt and Mesopotamia, from 3000 to 1500 a. C. and, in the north of China, around 1500 a. c.

schools in egypt

Education in Egypt was imparted in two types of schools: for priests and for scribes. At age 5, children began attending a writing school and they continued their studies of writing and reading until they reached the age of 16 or 17.

At 13, would-be scribes began a practical course in the bureaus, while priesthood students entered Temple College at 17. The discipline was severe and the educational method very strict., and based on memorization or simulation (drill), both methodologies of repetitive practice.old school

education in Mesopotamia

In Mesopotamia, the mastery over writing took many years, for which only a few were educated, usually the children of royalty, the rich, and professionals. The rest of the children learned a trade.

The schools for priests were numerous and in the temples, there were libraries, activity centers and curricular training. The teaching methods were repetition and memorization., as well as model copying, which was proof of excellence in learning, and individual instruction.

Schools in ancient China

The first schools in China were established in the 23rd or 24th century BC, although the first educational system was created during the Xia dynasty (2076-1600 a. C.).

In the Shang dynasty (1600 BC to 1046 BC), only the sons of the aristocracy attended public schools, located in the countryside, to learn literature, arts, politics, rituals and archery. Private schools were for most children and trades were taught.

During the Zhou dynasty (1045-256 BC), at age 12, children learned ritual music and dance practices, and when they were older, chariot driving and archery. Girls were taught the ritual, along with lessons in conduct, silk production, and weaving.

The first schools in India

In ancient India, education in schools was imparted orally. This was a process that included three steps: Shravana (listening), Manana (reflecting), and Nididhyāsana (applying knowledge).

In the Vedic period (1500 BC to about 600 BC), education, based on the Veda, consisted of reciting or singing traditional hymns, formulas, and incantations. The study of the scriptures, over time, was restricted to certain lineages, being the caste of the priests (brahmins) the most privileged.

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