A fan sneaked into the Super Bowl 35 times. How did he do it?


35 Super Bowls for free! Dion Rich, an NFL fan, managed to attend the Super Bowl ‘free’ for 35 years. Rich managed to evade the security of the Big Party and he even sneaked onto the pitchappearing in important photographs with characters like Tom Landry.

Go to the Super Bowl without paying

During the early days of 1989, Super Bowl security began to realize of the presence of an unknown face who was a constant presence in highlights of every climactic NFL game.

Over the years Dion Rich He had achieved evade security through costumes, wigs, glasses, false beards, press passes, among other tricks. He had also been able to enjoy being on the pitch chasing Vince Lombardi, lifting Tom Landry on his shoulders and celebrating with the winning quarterbacks.

Finally, a detective was hired to pose as a journalist and gain Rich’s trust. She even granted him an interview where Dio confessed all the adventures he had done. During the Super Bowl XXIII, Rich arrived at the stadium in Miami with a wheelchair and pass for people with disabilities.

The security of the place managed to catch himbut instead of arresting him they told him to stop infiltrating. Rich continued to infiltrate until the Super Bowl XXVI in 2002after having witnessed 35 Super Bowls. Years later he confessed that now I bought the tickets legallyalthough it is possible “that it could sneak back in”.


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