Archery. In Dinan, small committee departmental championships – Archery

Departmental championships in Dinan

Due to the pandemic, the Dinan Archers were not sold out this weekend. 84 shooters, from twelve clubs, tried to shoot the right arrows in a very friendly atmosphere.

Among young people, the Dinannais club shone with Lola Bourel (youngest), Artem Samoilov (youngest), Alexandre Le Brun (youngest) and Laurelyne Floc’h (youngest). In compound bow, the clubs of Saint-Agathon, Pleslin-Trigavou, Ploumilliau and Saint-Quay-Portrieux settled in the first places.


Recurve Bow. Benjamins : 1. Lola Bourel (Dinan); 2. I. The Reaper (Saint-Agathon); 3. E. Le Gentil (Pordic). Benjamins : 1. Artem Samoilov (Dinan) ; 2. M. Kovacs (Fréhel) ; 3. R. De Larminat (Dinan). Minimes Women : 1. Laura Devaux (Paimpol) ; 2. S. Aurières (Pordic). Men’s Minis : 1.Timothé Hauswirth (Fréhel) ; 2. G. Colin (Dinan) ; 3. Ch. Guibert (Pleslin-Trigavou). Cadets : 1. Laurelyne Floc’h (Dinan); 2. K. Hima (Plédran). Cadets : 1. Alexandre Le Brun (Dinan); 2. E. Le Goff (Plédran); 3. Mr. Pecheu (Lannion). Junior Men : 1. Raphael Kremer (Lannion); 2. E. Bouilly (Lannion); 3. A. Le Guen (Lannion). Seniors 1 Women : 1. Oceane Callisto (Fréhel). Seniors 2
Women : 1. Sylvie Briard (Fréhel) ; 2. S. Girard (Ploumilliau). Seniors 3 Women : 1. Lydie Lemarchand (Lamballe); 2. F. Allias (Pordic); 3. MP Gerard (Dinan). Seniors 2 Men : 1. Thomas Duros (Pleslin-Trigavou); 2. S. Le Goff (Loudéac); 3. N. Warme (Fréhel). Seniors 3 Men : 1. Remy Conan (Saint-Quay-Portrieux); 2. J. Moraisin (Paimpol); 3. G. Pavy (Fréhel).

Compound bow. Cadets : 1. Eloise Le Mat (Saint-Agathon); 2. L. Ménard-Edon (Saint-Agathon). Junior Woman : 1. Cydony Porté-Milatre (Pleslin-Trigavou). Junior Male : 1. Simon Toudic (Saint-Agathon). Senior 1 Female : 1 Armandine Colleu (Pleslin-Trigavou). Senior Women 2: 1. Bénédicte Wallart (Saint-Agathon); 2. J. Lecomte (Saint-Agathon). Senior 3 Female : 1. Catherine Deburck (Saint-Quay-Portrieux). Seniors 1 Men : 1. Benoit Panel (Saint-Agathon); 2. Th. Bessas (Ploumilliau). Seniors 2 Men : 1. Emmanuel Daudier (Saint-Agathon); 2. Ph. Girard (Ploumilliau); 3. Y. Riou (Saint-Agathon). Seniors 3 Men : 1. Christian Ruello (Saint-Quay-Portrieux); 2. Th. Panel (Saint-Agathon); 3. P. Giroud (Pleslin-Trigavou).

Bare Bow. Cadets : 1. Lou-Ann Toudic (Saint-Agathon); 2. C. Roussel (Saint-Agathon). Cadet : 1. Josselin Bouilly (Saint-Agathon). Adults Women : 1. Marie Panel (Saint-Agathon); 2. N. Maresca (Lamballe); 3. J. Lecomte (Saint-Agathon). Adult Men : 1. Patrick Jumpertz (Ploumilliau) ; 2. Guy-Gilbert Bohuon (Dinan) ; 3. A. Lecoeuvre (Saint-Agathon).

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