Basketball, Serie A: Brescia hits the eighth victory in a row, Tortona sinks Trento

Basketball, Serie A: Brescia hits the eighth victory in a row, Tortona sinks Trento

Germani Brescia – Allianz Pall. Trieste 87-76

By Davide Fumagalli. Proof of strength of the Germani Brescia that stretches out 87-76 l’Allianz Trieste in the first advance on Saturday of the 20th matchday of Serie A UnipolSai and climbs to third place alone with 24 points, +4 right on the Giulians who, however, have a game in hand. Another exciting match for the Leonessa from Alessandro Magro that comeback from -18 in the second quarter (18-36) and then spreads between the third and fourth period, thus managing to center theeighth consecutive victory: Brescia has five double-digit players, with Of the valley to 18 points, Moore a 14, Weather in Petrucelli e Burns with 13 points, while batting the ace Naz Mitrou-Long, 3 points with 1 out of 14 shooting but 6 refunds and 6 assists. If the Germani thus wins without practically the contribution of his main star, they become pains for everyone … Pain for sure for theAllianz from Franco Cianiprotagonist of a crazy first quarter (28-16 with 8 out of 8 from two), but then crushed by the defense and the rhythm of Brescia once the aforementioned +18 has arrived: 23 points of Banks and 12 of Konate (15 and 10 in the first quarter respectively), the 11 with 11 rebounds and 4 blocks of Thank youand 11 with 5 blocks of Delia.

Della Valle behind his back for Moore’s triple

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The challenge of PalaLeonessaA2A is balanced until 10-10, then Trieste change pace, Banks put two bombs, Campogrande imitates him, and then again the former star of Brindisi scores another 5 points reaching 15 for the 28-16 dell’Allianz at the first rest. Brescia is shocked and the team of Alessandro Magro collapses until -18voiced by the opponents on the 36-18 with a three-point play of Delia. The Germani stays afloat thanks above all to Burns it’s at Of the valleybut then the defense begins to rise with blows and the comeback starts: always Burns e Of the valley on shields, too Weather in Petrucelli e Moore they give a hand, and the latter scores the -1 from the arc with which you return to the locker room for the interval, 41-42.

Sagaba Konate devastates the iron of the PalaLeonessa

The second half opens with the first and only basket of Mitrou-Long which is worth overtaking on 45-44 and from there Brescia will never look back. Weather in Petrucelli e Burns make 50-44, then Gabriel from the arch he signs the +9, but Trieste does not fit, he replies with 7-0 produced by Banks, Campogrande e DeliaandAllianz reaches up to -2 (53-51). As nothing was there Germani resumes grinding, Gabriel bags two more triples, Moss scores in penetration and at 30 ‘it is 61-54. This time the escape of Brescia is the right one because at the start of the last quarter the two baskets of Moore and the triple of Laquintana for +14 on 68-54 are decisive and break the legs of Trieste. From there it’s a show of the Lioness with the dunks of Weather in Petrucelli e Cobbinsthen it is Of the valley with a triple sidereal to put +16 on 87-71, the icing on the cake of another magical evening for the public of Brescia faith.

Mitrou-Long with the assist-tunnel for Cobbins’ bimane

The two teams will return to the field in Pesaro for the Final Eight of the Italian Cup: in the quarter-finals Brescia will play Wednesday night against Trento, Trieste will be engaged on Thursday afternoon against Tortona.
  • Brescia: Gabriel 9, Della Valle 18, Cobbins 12, Mitrou-Long 3, Burns 13, Petrucelli 13, Moss 2, Laquintana 3, Eboua, Moore 14, Parrillo ne, Biatcha ne. All. Lean.
  • Trieste: Banks 23, Delia 11, Konate 12, Cavaliero, Davis 5, Campogrande 6, Grazulis 11, Deangeli 2, Mian 6, Campani ne, Fantoma ne. Herds Ciani.

Highlights: Brescia-Trieste 87-76

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Bertram Derthona Tortona – Dolomites Energy Trentino 76-50

By Daniele Fantini. JP Macura e Riccardo Tavernelli they observe in civilian clothes from the sidelines, considerably thinning the bench of coach Ramondino. But, even without the bomber and the captain, Tortona lives one of the brightest evenings of the year. Bertram breaks the mini-streak of two consecutive defeats sinking Trento under a very heavy -26, dictating the law in a semi-dominated first half and then spreading from the middle of the third quarter onwards. But, apart from the oceanic gap, the most impressive data is the 50 points conceded. THE marked, if you look at it from a Trentino perspective. It is, by far, the worst offensive performance of the season in L’Aquila, which has not yet tamed the impact with the PalaFerraris parquet. Also here, in Casale Monferrato, it was held in 64 (second worst race of the year) in the group stage of the Super Cup. Tortona reports his record in surplus (10-9) and temporarily resumes fifth place in the standings. Trento, in the fourth consecutive defeat and sixth in the last seven, slips into negative (9-10) and in seventh place.

Bruno Mascolo of elegance: floats and leans on one hand

14, 11, 15 e 10. These are the partials with which Dolomiti Energia moves the board with extreme slowness and fatiguegetting lost in a long series of unattached and headless attacks. Fluidity is tight. The amalgam is completely lost compared to the solid group of the beginning of the season. And the biggest problem is that, after many weeks of difficulty between coronavirus and injuries, the Eagle can finally return to fielding a complete roster. Difficult to save someone. If not the ring with which Toto Forray try to increase the collective intensity when the game resumes after the long interval. Trento lights a flame to return from -13 at the end of the first half (38-25) al -5. But, from then on, it will only be storm. The final figures leave little doubt: 33% from two, 10% from the arc, with a tremendous 2/20. Only one assist served in the middle of the match, 6 at the end.

Tortona, on the other hand, plays an enjoyable, flowing and effective basketball despite the short rotations on the outside. AND defense 2-3 lengthened, unleashed for different sections of the game, it bears fruit in harnessing the already difficult opponent’s attack. Ramondino has a narrow range of choices available, but he is right the bench to change the face of the game, with an overall impact of great solidity.

The art of the buzzer-beater: Mascolo lifts to support Daum’s flight

Ariel Filloyreturned after last weekend’s stop against Treviso, opens fire from the arc (15). Bruno Mascolo he soon echoes him delighting with his moves of elegance and power in the mid-range, dusting off those played and those baskets that had brought him under the spotlight at the beginning of the season. He will close at 15, with a huge plus / minus of +32. E Jalen Cannon fight under the iron like a lion, writing his first double-double of his career in Serie A: 10 points, 11 rebounds (4 in attack), and a decisive outburst in the third period, to extinguish the dangerous attempt of a comeback.

Veterans are also productive. Mike Daum hits in every way by overcoming the problems of fouls of the first half (13 + 6), Tyler Cain strong part and rintuzza the scoreboard in the final (11 + 5). Jamarr Sanders plays a silent game (6 + 4 rebounds and 5 assists) but important for the balance provided also in the direction and construction of the game.

  • Tortona: Wright 4, Sanders 6, Severini 2, Daum 13, Cain 11; Cannon 10, Miljkovic, Filloy 15, Mascolo 15. Ne: Mortellaro, Baldi, Tambwe. Coach: Ramondino.
  • Trento: Flaccadori 9, Saunders, Reynolds 10, Caroline 4, Williams 16, Midnight, Bradford 2, Forray 7, Ladurner 2. Ne: Conti, Dell’Anna, Morina. Coach: Molin.

Highlights: Tortona-Trento 76-50

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Germani Brescia – Allianz Basketball Trieste


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Bertram Derthona Tortona – Dolomites Energy Trentino


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10/02/2022 A 15:39



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