CANTÙ – Bryant ready to debut: “I play attacking and aggressive basketball”

CANTÙ – Bryant ready to debut: “I play attacking and aggressive basketball”

CANTÙ – Presented Zack Bryant, new grafting of the Acqua S.Bernardo. The American playmaker, born in 1997, a native of Florida, will make his Serie A2 debut in the championship match between Cantù e Trapanischeduled for this Sunday at PalaBancoDesio, at 5pm.

Presenting the new biancoblu player Fabrizio Frates and Marco Sodini, respectively technical director and head coach of Cantù Basketball. “We welcome Zack Bryant – Frates intervenes – who, in the team’s chessboard, effectively replaces Robert Johnson. After a long period spent sifting through various identikits, we decided to sign Zack, a young profile who does not need useless comparisons with those who preceded him, also because we are talking about two players with different characteristics. Zack is a very energetic play, defensively aggressive and I am convinced that he will bring a lot of freshness to the team. We will start immediately to insert it in our mechanisms, already from the match with Trapani; it will be up to him, then, to quickly understand the level of the championship and that of his teammates, including hierarchies. He will also be up to us as staff, of course, to understand his best qualities, so as to exploit his full potential. “

Hence the comment of coach Sodini: “I agree with Fabrizio: in my opinion Zack will bring freshness. We have seen a lot of players in the past few weeks but I can assure you that he is certainly the one we liked the most. What I like about Zack is his big smile and this is due to the fact that when he plays basketball he has fun, and he shows it. This he has been able to demonstrate since his first training, putting himself very well with his new teammates and they did the same with him. What interests me is that he plays without thinking too much and that he uses all his energy since his first appearances on the pitch. “

Finally, the most awaited moment, with the first words of Bryant as a new biancoblu player: “I am very happy to be here because I immediately found an excellent organization and, even before signing for Cantù, I had excellent reviews of this club. Cantù and I have the same goals: We both want to play at the highest level of basketball possible. Furthermore, I am happy with my choice because I consider Italy a truly splendid nation, the idea of ​​coming to play there, therefore, teased me a lot. Before this year I had never been to Europe, as well as to Italy, so for me it’s all very stimulating. What player am I? I love to run, play a fast and very aggressive basketball on both sides of the field. I push a lot in attack, bringing the ball even into the area and trying to score as many points as possible; at the same time, however, I like to help my teammates in defense, giving my all even when there is a tough defense “concluded Bryant.


BRYANT – Medical visits and first training for the white-blue reinforcement



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