Cleared! All members of the Chinese women’s basketball team’s nucleic acid negative return date is still to be determined_Test_Team_Positive

Cleared! All members of the Chinese women’s basketball team’s nucleic acid negative return date is still to be determined_Test_Team_Positive

Original title: Clear! The date of return to China for all members of the Chinese women’s basketball team with negative nucleic acid remains to be determined

On February 27th, Beijing time, there was good news from the Chinese women’s basketball team that visited Serbia to compete in the Women’s Basketball World Cup qualifiers. All the positive nucleic acid cases in the team have been cleared!

The Chinese basketball team released a message: “Clear! As of now, the latest nucleic acid test results of all members of the Chinese women’s basketball team visiting team have shown negative!”

On February 5, the Chinese women’s basketball team set off for Belgrade, Serbia, to play in the Women’s Basketball World Cup qualifiers, and successively defeated Nigeria, Mali and France women’s basketball teams, and qualified for the World Cup with a record of three victories.

On February 15, the Basketball Association officially issued a document stating that in the routine nucleic acid test before leaving for China, two of the visiting team (26 people in total) tested positive for nucleic acid, and the time to return to China will be postponed.

On February 17, the Basketball Association updated the news that 7 new members with positive nucleic acid tests were added to the team, and a total of 9 were positive.

On February 18, the latest news from the Basketball Association, 1 new positive member was added to the team, a total of 10 were positive, of which 1 was hospitalized, and the fever symptoms of all positive personnel have subsided.

The entire women’s basketball team is currently quarantined in designated hotels, and the players also conduct simple daily training in the room to maintain their state. The return date of the women’s basketball team has not yet been determined.Return to Sohu, see more


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