Column by Matías Fuenzalida: From Ríos to Niemann: being number one

Column by Matías Fuenzalida: From Ríos to Niemann: being number one

Joaquín Niemann was crowned champion of his second tournament on the PGA, the most prestigious professional golf circuit in the world. Just when he was born, another young Chilean – who challenged a society that was just beginning to wake up – became number 1 on a tennis court. Two stories that tell us about the democratization of his disciplines as they approached glory. Each in his own way.

On March 29, 1998 in Miami, Marcelo Rios became number one in world tennis, with only 22 years. An irreverent young man, with slanted eyes and long hair, who came from affluent Vitacura, managed to get all the Chileans out on the streets to celebrate a historic and perhaps unrepeatable event. Our country was on the most read sports covers, hand in hand with this new idol also arrived to dishevele a society that kept trying to untie the moral ties of the past.

The phrase “I’m not even there” that Ríos always used when faced with an uncomfortable question, ended up becoming a true mantra for a youth forced almost always to express their convictions and positions without nuances or greys. And in a country that became aware that the dictatorship had been left behind and was beginning to fall into the arms of globalization. The truth is that here we had the bestin a highly competitive, media-oriented discipline dominated by the great powers of Europe and North America.

The phrase “I’m not even there” that Ríos always used when faced with an uncomfortable question, ended up becoming a true mantra for a youth forced almost always to express their convictions and positions without nuances or greys.

At the end of that same year, he was born in Talagante Joachim Niemannthe actual golden child of international golfwho has just won his second tournament on the most important circuit, the PGA, the one where only the best of the best arrive and with barely 23 years old. Last weekend, throughout the United States, Niemann was the main topic of conversation for the great referents. including the very Tiger Woods, the living legend who gave him the trophy between compliments and congratulations. Joaquín went from being a promise to a reality, one that makes us dream with having a number one again in an individual sport, where mettle, character, cold blood and the ability to constantly fight against the most intense emotions allow us to reach the top.

The “Chinese” Ríos burst in at the end of the 90s to remove allin a Chile that was just beginning to wake up, opening doors and preparing the ground for a new breed of successful tennis players. Nicolás Massú and Fernando González managed to get into the top 10 on the circuit and win Olympic medals following that path. Your Majesty Roger Federer he said once: “Marcelo Ríos was one of my favorite tennis playersone of the most talented”.

Joaquín went from being a promise to a reality, one that makes us dream with having a number one again in an individual sport, where mettle, character, cold blood and the ability to constantly fight against the most intense emotions allow us to reach the top.

And now, while we live dizzying political and social changes, Niemann also appears to open the route, of course changing the racket for the irons, arousing the attention of the great planetary figures and fighting hand to hand against them in the elite. Tiger Woods, another demigod, stated a few days ago: “He has shown it, he deserves it, he has earned it.”

The two, at different times, with different realities and in different times, managed to demystify their professions and start to democratize them. One, from indifference and nihilism. The other, from innocence, dreams and the pride of belonging to this new generation.

It is still too early to say that Joaquín Niemann will be the forerunner of a new herd of golfers who manage to reach Olympus, but little by little it advances. The public court of Club Mapocho has been an alternative for some years to start hitting sticks without being a member. The Chilean Golf Federation It has also made available scholarships and facilities for those who want to start. According to data provided by themselves, since Niemann broke into the PGA, the number of outings on Chilean courts has increased steadily.

The two, at different times, with different realities and in different times, managed to demystify their professions and start to democratize them. One, from indifference and nihilism. The other, from innocence, dreams and the pride of belonging to this new generation.

For now, we can continue enjoying without thinking about those that may come later. After being crowned in California, Joaquín declared before the cameras: “I think I can keep fighting at the top, to become number one in the world”. And something tells us that we have to believe him.

*Matías Fuenzalida is a journalist, columnist, radio and TV host. His work relates sport to cities, countries and history. He currently works for ESPN.

You can also read: Rudy Duran, Tiger Woods’s first coach: “Chile can be a golf power, but it will not achieve it only with the richest”

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