From the discipline of judo to academic excellence in New York – Society

Judo is a martial art that in Japanese can be translated as the path of flexibility, designed to learn to use the body in self-defense, this discipline is what led the young man from Madrid, Ignacio Sánchez de Lerín, to apply the teachings of this sport to become one of the best students in his class at Columbia University in New York.

Sánchez de Lerín defines his time as a judoka, in which he participated in regional tournaments, as the moment in which, thanks to the work of his coach, he was able to learn the values ​​of humility, discipline and effort.

His teacher was none other than Rafael Ortega, a pioneer of this discipline in Spain and fifteen times national champion, who defends a total style that forces his students to give 200% in each training session.

In addition, the discipline imposed in the dojo favored, in his opinion, the perseverance necessary to avoid the distractions typical of youth; something he transferred to his high-achieving academic life to become a lawyer, inspired by his father, until his first internships discovered him a new passion: business.

In this way, he decided to expand his knowledge with an MBA program at the Columbia University Business School in New York.

To get there, Ignacio Sánchez de Lerín took advantage of the Ramón Areces Foundation scholarship program, whose help was used to cover university costs, medical insurance coverage and a monthly amount to pay for the costs of living in the metropolis. new yorker


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