Get to know Flag Football, the sport that has grown in Roraima

Get to know Flag Football, the sport that has grown in Roraima

In the dispute between Canaimés and Berzerkers, Canaimés won the state stage

Do you know what Flag Football is? It is a sport similar to American football, which was even used to train the base teams of the great teams and universities in the United States. In Roraima, the modality has conquered supporters.

Five teams participated in the first Roraimense Flag Football championship, which took place at Praça do Centro Cívico, from September 12 to October 24, organized by the Roraima Federation of American Football (FEFARR).

In the dispute between Canaimés and Berzerkers, Canaimés won the state stage. Now, the team will compete in the Vila Olímpica de Manaus, the confrontation with the champion of the Amazon stage, which will take place on the 14th.

The report spoke with Yuri Silva, Quarterback / Launcher of the Canaimés team, who spoke about his expectations related to the sport in the state. “Our expectation is that we can unify the title as champion of the north, bringing the trophy to Roraima, and open space for us to compete in the Brazilian Championship next year”, declared the athlete.

The modality is being considered to become Olympic in 2028. “Without a doubt, not only Canaimés dreams of having athletes representing the country in the Olympics, but countless other clubs throughout Brazil. Flag Football does not choose height, sex, age or physical size. Everyone can participate and, without a doubt, they will find a place on the pitch and a family within the teams,” he concludes.

The sport is being quoted to become Olympic in 2028 (Photo: Disclosure)


Each team has its team of attackers and another team of defenders. When the attacking team is on the field, it has four chances to make advances to the midline, and if it does, it has four more chances to reach the scoring zone and make the touchdown. This through passes or runs.

The defenders’ objective is to prevent these advances. The way to stop the play is by removing a tape (flag) that the ball carrier has attached to his waist, or by intercepting the ball in case the attacking team has made a pass.

If the defenders manage to nullify the advance attempts or intercept the pass, their own team’s attacking team enters the field to try to score.



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