How the NFL became the most profitable sports league in the world

How the NFL became the most profitable sports league in the world

Not even hurt. Despite revenues down $4 billion in 2020 compared to 2019 (for a total of $12 billion), the NFL is still a long way off the most lucrative sports league in the world. Behind her, baseball and its MLB (10 billion), the NBA (7.4 billion) and the English Premier League football (5.3 billion) are trying in vain to catch up.

With only 267 games per year, the professional American football league has become a cash machine for the owners of the 32 teams that make it up. To achieve this domination, crystallized by the new contract with TV broadcasters (100 billion over ten years), the NFL has bet on the spectacular aspect of this contact, sharp and tactical sport. From the first Super Bowls – the championship final in the late 1960s, realizing that this was the best way to capture the attention of viewers of an emerging medium, she installed cameras at the edge of the field.



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