Beautiful day for 14 youngest and minimal from the creusotin judo club who went to Riorges for a competitor course. With 50 judokas on the tatami of the Riorgeois dojo, the young creusotins were able to take advantage of great adversity and a sustained training pace with a good dose of fighting.
The course (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.) targeted the youngest competitors, and a small complementary group of minors, cadets and juniors.
The morning session (two hours) was led by Prof. Creusotin Johnny Potet, with kumi-kata as the theme.
After the midday meal taken in the reception room, an hour of collective sports was organized (dodgeball, street-hockey, ultimate frisbee). From 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m., Cédric Gironde (professor at Renaison) then took charge for a session devoted to uchi-mata. Each judo session ended with many randoris.
The course (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.) targeted the youngest competitors, and a small complementary group of minors, cadets and juniors.
The morning session (two hours) was led by Prof. Creusotin Johnny Potet, with kumi-kata as the theme.
After the midday meal taken in the reception room, an hour of collective sports was organized (dodgeball, street-hockey, ultimate frisbee). From 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m., Cédric Gironde (professor at Renaison) then took charge for a session devoted to uchi-mata. Each judo session ended with many randoris.
Congratulations to the young fighters who were able to take up the challenge and hold out all day with unfailing commitment and sincerity in practice. There is no doubt that such days bring a lot to young samurai in their judo careers. The club thanks Stéphanie, Vincent Lion and Jean Louis for the carpooling and their involvement in the realization of this day.