“No element of common sense, give explanations”

“No element of common sense, give explanations”

4 ‘of reading
Fano 14/02/2022
– Dear Councilor Brunori, I give you these words through the institutional channels and the media as the recent initiatives of the Municipality of Fano, which I will remind you of below, would require public clarifications from you.

The writer is Andrea Mencucci, from Fano, a teacher of motor science by profession, sixty years of age thirty-five of which he spent in public school and fifty-three on the judo mat; federal judo instructor and president of the Fano Judo Club, one of the oldest sports realities in our city.

Just a month ago I was the subject of an evacuation order issued by your office aimed at forcibly inhibiting entry into the gymnasium of the primary school of Cuccurano di Fano both to myself and to the members of the Association that I preside over.

The story arose because three times (I emphasize only three times) I went in the afternoon to the aforementioned place to conduct direct lessons to the students of the club without having, according to the organization, any permission.

With the text of the ordinance, four pages steeped in fearful consequences that I attach for appropriate public knowledge, I am described as a liar and an abusive.

Honestly I can not find the slightest element to support what was charged to me. On the contrary: I had communicated to you in good time, as the other sports clubs gravitating in the structure had done, days, hours and the start of the afternoon activities and therefore it seems to me that any breaches are rather attributable to your Office which omitted any denials, permits and communications in this regard.

However, I do not think I am infallible and I may have unknowingly made some mistakes and, if so, I kindly ask you to indicate which ones, such as to even provoke a Public Order measure.

But this, kind Councilor, is only the tip of the iceberg of the story because, as mentioned above, my presence in the gymnasium of the Cuccurano school as a representative of the Judo Club was only marginal.

As you know, since November I had in fact started a research project carried out during the curriculum and intended for the primary school classes of Cuccurano called “a scuola di ukemi”.

The activity derives from a pilot research of some European Universities which, on the data provided by the World Health Organization, have ascertained the minor importance of accidental falls injuries in subjects trained through judo falls (ukemi). Activities not only promotional and advertising but directed above all to the study of accident prevention and health protection.

I would add that the project was granted to me by FIJLKAM (Judo Federation) exclusively for the Marches on the basis of a regional selection of motor science teachers who are experts in judo, in which I was first in the ranking.

For the sake of transparency of information, I attach the letter of presentation of the project that FIJLKAM sent to the Headmaster of the S.Orso di Fano Didactic Club belonging to the Primary School of Cuccurano, adhering to the initiative.

Given the originality and educational value, I thought that this activity should be a source of pride for the city of Fano, expecting your interest and full support from you.

But obviously I was completely wrong since the Municipality of Fano has behaved with direct initiatives at 360 degrees of difference with respect to my expectations.

The ban on going to the premises of the Cuccurano school gymnasium actually interrupted the didactic activity I was carrying out, eliminating the educational objectives achieved so far and mutilating the research action.

Also in this case, kind Councilor, I can not find any element of common sense that justifies the urgent suspension of the activity “at the ukemi school” given that the tatami, used for the project (among other things, not owned of the Judo Club but provided by the Federation for this purpose), remained in place until Friday 4 February and that is in time to conclude the project.

As you can well understand, the serious event therefore goes beyond a simple relationship between myself and the Administration involving a wide and varied audience of subjects:

  • the members of the Fano Judo Club (present and future) still inhibited at the entrance to the Cuccurano gymnasium;

  • the judoka colleague Attilio Mascarucci who assisted me and, like me, used his free time for the success of the project “at the ukemi school”;

  • the students of the Cuccurano School who followed the judo lessons with interest and passion;

  • the families of disabled children from the Cuccurano school they found

benefits in the activity;

  • FIJLKAM which had provided all the know-how and material for the project;

  • Sport e Salute Spa which had financed the same;

  • even if indirectly the MIUR to which the school activity belongs.

In a society that calls itself civil and democratic, such a story with unclear and contradictory outlines, in whatever way it ends, should not end up in oblivion without suitable explanations.

It would therefore be necessary, kind Councilor, your reply. Cordial greetings.

Attached PDF the eviction order, the open letter and the presentation of the project.



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