Olbia, also the mayor Nizzi among the guests at the Paris Grand Slam of judo

Olbia, also the mayor Nizzi among the guests at the Paris Grand Slam of judo

Mayor Settimo Nizzi guest at the 2022 Grand Slam of Judo.

The mayor Settimo Nizzilast week, participated as a guest at the Grand Slam 2022 in Parisinvited by the president of the International Judo Federation, Mr. Marius L. Vizer.

“It was a great emotion to attend one of the most prestigious competitions of the Federation World Tour – says the mayor -. The best judokas in the world competed in an electrifying atmosphere of the highest sporting level”.

“Judo – he continues – has always been for the nour city a sport of great importance. That’s why, after the 2017 World Judo Championships, we hosted the Junior World Championships in Olbia last October. The athletes from all over the world who competed in our city are the same ones we will see competing for gold at the pRossime Paris Olympics 2024“.

“I thank the president for this wonderful opportunity and I hope ours collaboration continues to bring other major events to Olbia of this splendid sport ”concludes the mayor.



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