Palermo, capital of badminton, two teams at the starting line in Serie A

Palermo, capital of badminton, two teams at the starting line in Serie A

If in the most followed sport par excellence, football, since 2017 Palermo has played in the D, C and B series, there is a sport in which the Sicilian capital excels. This is badminton, where, this year, in Serie A, out of ten teams, two will be from Palermo.

“At the end of February we will make our debut in Serie A in Malles in Trentino – explains Paolo Caracausi, president of ASD Piume D’Argento – this year, together with Piume D’Argento, who have played in Serie A for eleven years, there will also be the City of Palermo. With our two teams out of ten taking part in the championship, we hope to have good results “. Last year, Caracausi’s team finished in the playoffs, closing the Serie A championship with a fourth position.

Similar to tennis, badminton is a very ancient sport. “It is played indoors – explains Caracausi – with a racket a little smaller than the tennis one and the shuttlecock, a ball with feathers”.

Born in India, it is assumed that it was imported to Europe by some English officers. According to some scholars, the name derives from the Badminton House castle, the place where it was played for the first time. It has been an Olympic sport since 1992.

“Many people remember it because he played with it as a child – continues the
president of ASD Piume D’Argento – it is not very popular but many practice it “. In Sicily there are 31 sports clubs associated with the Italian Badminton federation.

“It is one of the fastest sports that exist – he concludes – even if the shuttlecock would seem to fly slowly in reality it is not. Badminton is even faster than tennis”.

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