Playoff basketball continues in Siouxland

Playoff basketball continues in Siouxland

SIOUX CITY (KTIV) – Here are some scores and highlights from playoff high school basketball across Siouxland


Elk Point-Jefferson 45 Tea Area 42 F

Irene-Amante 53 Alcester-Hudson 30 F

Parker 30 Dakota Valley 56 F

Beresford 29 Vermilion 52 F

Gayville-Volin 39 Viborg-Hurley 56 F

Brookings 61 Yankton 51 F


State of Michigan 60 Iowa 86 F

Nebraska 65 Northwest 77 F


Santee 68 Stuart 81 F

Yankton 51 Brookings 61 F

Sioux City del Sur 46 Blair 61 F

Guardian Angels CC 76 Omaha Nation 56 F

Humphrey San Fran. 49 park view 60F

Pierce 55 Boone Central 43 F

Niobrara-Verdigre 47 St. Mary’s 77 F

Rock Valley 61 Boyden-Hull 59 F

Hinton 42 Center de Lyon 59 F

Columbus Lakeview 43 Clarkson-Leigh 45 F

Ponca 30 Hartington CC 51 F

Condado Tri NE 41 Howells-Dodge 82 F

North Center 50 Neligh-Oakdale 49 F

Woodbury Central 51 Newell-Fonda 71 F

Battle Creek 48 O’Neill 58 F

Tekamah-Herman 50 Oakland-Craig 56 F

South O’Brien 23 Remsen St. Mary’s 29 F

Wisner-Pilger 55 Wakefield 57 F

Winside 40 Wausa 44 F

BRLD 23 Wayne 61 F

West Pt-Beemer 65 Winnebago 55 F

Randolph 49 Wynot 66 F


San José 2 Anaheim 1 1

Toronto 3 Columbus 4 F/OT

Nashville 6 Florida 4 F

Minnesota 3 Ottawa 4 F

St. Louis 4 Philadelphia 1 F

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