Reactions of the world of sport to the Ukraine-Russia war | Live

Lluís Cortés arrives in Lviv

The Spanish coach, former Barcelona Women’s coach and current Ukrainian coach, has updated his situation in the country. After 19 hours of travel, he and his team have arrived in Lviv, a city bordering Poland. Now they have the final part of the journey: crossing the border and reaching Poland.

Jordi Escura has also spoken after arriving in Lviv. The physical trainer of the team led by Lluís Cortés has attended TVE to narrate how the trip has been and what the situation of his players and staff members is. “The trip, imagine. We have been 21 hours to do 400 kms. People walking along the shoulders with bags and suitcases. As you move away from Kiev, the density of cars is diluted and you can circulate a little better,” he says.

Regarding the situation of her players, Escura declares that “We have players who have slept on the subway, who have two parents fighting in the war. We live in the third person, but we live it in their skin, we are in contact with them, it is a drama, a real disaster”.

Finally, he described the situation of the Ukrainian members of the staff: “We have a couple of physios, the doctor and the delegate who are of fighting age. We have not been able to contact any of them and we do not know where they are. Our thought is that they are going to have to pick up a machine gun in the next few days.”


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