Reception of teenagers is full

Reception of teenagers is full

Villemeux-sur-Eure. The reception of teenagers is full. In the absence of a suitable structure, and while waiting for the family home (in project), it is in the village hall of Villemeux-sur-Eure that Caroline Chevalier, director and animator, has been welcoming teenagers since Monday.

What name for the center?

“These leisure activities are only offered during school holidays, and are open to young people aged 11 to 17,” she underlines.

This week, she welcomed a dozen young people aged 11 to 13.

The program was rich and varied: theatre, video editing, an intuitive board, games (rugby, football, baseball), escape game with a speaker, tomorrow they will play baseball.

“The young people also launched the competition to find the logo and the name of the centre, which was successively called SIVU and SLAM”, resumes Caroline. “We also opened a discussion on various intergenerational projects”.

Consultation meetings are organized before the holidays, it is the young people who compose the plan of their activities

Convenient. The center is open for one week during school holidays, and throughout the month of July. Registration is done at the town hall, at the “leisure reception” service, priority is given to young Villemeusiens, the price is offered according to the family quotient. The midday meal is not planned, the young people return to lunch at home.



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