Russia-Ukraine conflict: Germany promises Ukraine delivery of armaments – Politics

Russia-Ukraine conflict: Germany promises Ukraine delivery of armaments – Politics

Demand for psychological help is increasing in Ukraine

According to aid workers, people in Ukraine are increasingly suffering from the consequences of the tense situation in the conflict with Russia. “The Demand for psychological help and first aid courses far exceeds our capacity. We have been living with the conflict in our country since 2014, but in the past two months the situation has worsened significantly,” he reported Head of the Maltese UkrainePavlo Titko, on Saturday.

According to him, old traumata resurface in some people. And: “Many people ask themselves: When the conflict escalates, one should flee, which criteria are correct for this decision?” Children are also a big topic in the therapy and group sessions: “How do we tell them that we might have to leave our homeland? How do you talk to them about war?” Titko emphasized.

In addition, the economic situation in Ukraine is rapidly deteriorating. “The cost of living keeps rising, and many no longer know what to do next: we see more in our projects Anxiety about the future and depression. After seven years of fear, people develop pathological fear and nightmares,” the expert explained.

The fear of one War is supplanting acute concerns about Covid-19. However, the number of cases in the country is still high. According to Titko, normality has long been out of the question. This affects the psyche, wears you down and increases the need for psychological and psychosocial support.

Last year, the Maltese in Ukraine by their own account Individual or group sessions for around 6,500 displaced people in the country offered. In addition, 235 people were treated via psychiatric telemedicine and training courses on mental illnesses were offered to around 4,900 people. (KNA)



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