The Badminton Albatros gets on the podium three times with José Luis Martín and stands out in Manises with the quarry

The Badminton Albatros gets on the podium three times with José Luis Martín and stands out in Manises with the quarry

During the past weekend, the Albatros Badminton Sports Club has attended two competitions, with a total of 7 representatives.

On the one hand, on Saturday 5, in the morning and afternoon, and on Sunday, February 6, 2022, in the morning, it was held in Vitoria (Álava), with not inconsiderable kilometers traveled, specifically 1,024 kilometers between round trip, the first test of the National Circuit of Parabadminton and Inclusive.

José Luis Martín traveled there, reaping no less than three podiums, one for each of the three modalities in which he competed.

José Luis Martín has conquered the second position in the Individual category SU5-SH6, only succumbing to Pablo Serrano, from Badminton Astures; On the other hand, he got another second place, together with Cristina Sánchez, from Badminton Granada, in Doubles SU5-SH6, being the same executioner the one who did not let them savor the top of the drawer.

The best was yet to come, then, in the Inclusive Doubles, together with the Basque José Vergara, from the Gurea Badminton Club, José Luis Martín savored the sweetness of victory, achieving the first position, in an immaculate competition for the Basque-Conquense duo, after leave in the gutter all the rivals they had on the other side of the net, including Pablo Serrano, who had been ahead of him in the other two categories.

On the other hand, on Saturday, February 5, 2022, in the Valencian town of Manises, a TTR Tournament was played, scoring for the national Badminton ranking, starting at 9:30 a.m. and ending after 6:00 p.m. hours.

Six members of the Albatros Badminton Sports Club traveled there, these being the following: Carla Cantero, Gisela Alonso, Jimena Alonso, Samuel Rodríguez, Mateo Higueras and Marcos Romero.

Carla Cantero was making her debut in the U19 Women’s Individual category, and she was unable to advance to the final draw in this tournament, remaining in the group stage, although she did not come to Cuenca empty-handed, as she won one of the matches played.

Gisela Alonso appeared in the U17 Women’s Individual category, suffering the same fate as Carla, although there was much more equality in her qualifying group, she also won a match, so as not to return to zero.

The individual competition of Carla Cantero and Gisela Alonso remained in something anecdotal, because as if they were reserving, their competition in the U19 Women’s Doubles would end with second place in this modality, only giving in the final match against one of the pairs formed by players from the Valencian Community, receiving the corresponding medal.

In the U15 Women’s Individual category, the representative of the Albatross was Jimena Alonso, also debuting in an age category, remaining in the group stage, although she placed second in her own, due to the fact that only the first of each group qualified, reaching the third set of the decisive match, losing it by a tight 21-19.

The remaining Albatros players, Samuel Rodríguez, Mateo Higueras and Marcos Romero, repeated history in terms of category premiere, being their baptism with the Sub15.

In Men’s Individual U15, the three Albatros, Samuel, Mateo and Marcos, stayed in the group stage, although, it must be said, competing with dignity and returning to Cuenca with at least one match won each, taking its toll that only the first in the group had access to the final draw, otherwise they would have qualified.

Mateo Higueras and Marcos Romero were a couple in the Sub15 Men’s Doubles, being that they were second in the group, and in the same way that in individual only the first of each of the groups accessed the final draw.

In Sub15 Mixed Doubles, Jimena Alonso and Samuel Rodríguez suffered the same fate as Mateo and Marcos, remaining in the group stage.

From the Albatros Badminton Sports Club, it only remains to thank the different entities that have not stopped supporting the entity, such as the Globalcaja Cuenca Foundation, the Cuenca City Council, the Cuenca Provincial Council and the Sports Service of the Community Board of Castile-La Mancha in Cuenca.




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