Animal abuse? Thomas Müllerstar forward of the Bundesliga and Bayern Munich has been singled out for ‘improper’ treatment that the German has employee with his horses. Lisathe wife of the footballer participates in horse dressage events and they both have a farm in Germany.
Does Thomas Müller mistreat animals?
According to the British newspaper The Sun, Thomas Müller and his wife Lisa are selling doses of frozen horse semen for a price around 200 euros per dose. Recently, one of his horses suffered an injury while the couple prepared him for the breeding season.
“Unfortunately we have bad news. Our favorite, D’Avie, won’t be available for the next few months. He slipped during an attempt to get him ready for breeding season and it fell dramatically to one side. has suffered a hoof injury and will need to rest during the next few months. He is a great friend and it could have been worse,” Müller said.
Despite the fact that on several occasions Müller has publicly shown signs of affection for the animals he raises on his farm, Thomas was singled out by the famous organization: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).
“It’s horrible that self-proclaimed horse lovers force animals in their care to perform unnatural sexual acts to take advantage of it. The lesions that D’Avie suffered under the supervision of Lisa and Thomas Müller were avoidable and unnecessary”, he expressed Jana Hoger, portavoz de PETA.