«We deserve to be in the semifinals» | The mail

The material chosen by the four protagonists at the Ogueta for Sunday’s clash is quite similar. / jesus andrade

Laso believes that “it would be fair” for the couples made, but they play it at Ogueta against Peña II and Albisu, who are unknown

The level of play shown throughout the Couples quarter-finals has been one of the most consistent, even in defeats, but Laso and Imaz have to play it on Sunday at the Ogueta fronton in Vitoria. “We deserve to be in the semifinals,” the Biskarreta-Gerendiain striker stressed yesterday in the choice of material. He believes that his presence in the next phase “would be fair” due to the regularity shown, but from the start of the competition he was aware that the situation they were in could arise. Since the play-off was established a couple of seasons ago, being in the top four no longer has any advantage. They are all risks. And you have to accept them.

They face Peña II and Albisu, the combination that has shown the most instability throughout the fourteen days. They are capable of the best and the worst. An unknown. And that is what generates the most questions in the rival combination. “They are very dangerous. If Ataun’s defender lets go of the ball, he puts on the music for the match, so we will try to avoid him », added the Navarrese.


“We work to control the nerves, so there will be no problems,” said Peña II

At the beginning of the competition they would have signed to be in the current situation, «but if we don’t enter it would be a shame. We have made a better championship than our rivals, so we will come out on top », he stressed. His defender is satisfied with the level he has shown and wants to be “just as competitive” in this clash. But he knows that he will have a lot of work to do on a court where the ball takes on a lot of weight in the long frames, “and holding Albisu will be difficult.”

Good start

Those who will wear blue were finalists last year, but their version this season is far from then. The beginning caught them “low level” and since then they have dragged “confidence problems” that have not allowed them to feel comfortable except in certain meetings. Their fifth final place has given them the opportunity to continue in the fight and they want to take advantage of it. “Everything that has happened so far is worthless, so we will come with great enthusiasm to try to sign a serious match.”

Your start can be key. If they manage to enter focused and avoid gifts, they will have a lot of gain because they can dominate the fight. Managing the tension that includes the shock will not be easy. “We have nothing to lose because we come from below. There will be pressure, because the prize is big, but we work to control our nerves and on that side there will be no problem, “said Peña II. The selected material is quite similar. Balls that when spent take bounce, so the duel can harden.


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