What is winter tennis?
A winter tennis playerPHOTO : Twitter/RideauSports
Inspired by beach tennis – but played in a much colder Canadian climate – winter tennis seems to be gaining more and more fans in the region. What does it consist of, exactly?
It’s more like badminton
, explains Amanda Jackson, community liaison officer at the Rideau Sports Centre, where it is possible to rent the court and the equipment necessary to practice winter tennis.
The racket, whose plate is round in shape, is made of wood. As for the ball, it is “soft” and lighter than a usual tennis ball.
Sure, [la balle] won’t bounce in the snow
, continues Ms. Jackson. As in badminton, the ball stays in the air. You shouldn’t let it fall to the ground.
« You are outside. You move a lot. It’s a way to socialize, to get some fresh air. Last year, [pendant le] confinement, people created this sport to be able to go out. »
According to her, winter tennis is easy
and accessible
for everyone. Children come to play, people who have never played tennis, even people who do not play sports
, lists Amanda Jackson.