a former French tennis player denounces a “bias” of the media in favor of Ukrainians

Alexandre Sidorenko – Icon sport


Born in Russia and naturalized French in 2000, Alexandre Sidorenko closely follows the situation between his native country and Ukraine. Winner of the junior Australian Open in 2006, the one who retired in 2017, after reaching 145th in the world, did not have the expected career.

The native of Leningrad gave his opinion on the current war in Ukraine. Many Ukrainians have particularly condemned the silence of Russian players on the situation. Speaking to Ouest-France, Sidorenko expressed his regret at seeing the media highlight the Ukrainian side so much: “I find that there is a lack of fairness in the treatment of the conflict by the press and the media. They lean towards Ukrainian side.”

> War in Ukraine, consequences for sport” class=”link “>>> War in Ukraine, consequences for sport

“The media treatment is radical, anti-Russian”

Even if he is against the war, the ex-tennis player believes that the media do not tell everything behind the scenes of this conflict. “I find this type of disinformation incorrect and unfair. There is a real bias, you have to receive information from both sides. True things are said, but also a lot of lies (…) The media treatment is radical, anti -Russian, without any consideration.”

“I don’t feel very well. It’s not an easy or pleasant situation. Even if I’m not directly affected because I live in France. The situation is dramatic. No one can like a conflict or a war. I hope that it will fade and that we will manage to find common ground”, wishes the former player.

Like the captain of the Russian selection Artem Dzyuba, Sidorenko does not intend to deny his origins and has every intention of returning one day to his native country: “I still have family in Saint Petersburg, and my parents go there often. I haven’t been there for a few years, in particular because of the Covid-19. I will go back when the situation allows me.”

Original article published on BFMTV.com


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