Pit production and Joy of living/BF hosted a press screening of their animated series “Malaïka, cultural heritage of a nation”, this Thursday March 31, 2022 in Ouagadougou.
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“Malaïka, cultural heritage of a nation” is an animated series aimed at promoting Burkinabè culture through the escapades of the heroine Malaïka. Indeed, the latter is an albino teenager who, through different episodes, allows you to discover and appreciate the cultural, artistic and tourist subtleties of Burkina Faso.
Our wish to be able is to insert our program in the TV channels through this series
With this series, the producers expressed a desire to inculcate the value of social cohesion. For this, the emphasis is placed on the education of children as an essential lever for this cohesion. ” Our channels are flooded with cartoons from other cultures through their cartoons. Our wish it’s to be able to insert our program in the TV channels through this series”, said André Tapsoba, director of the series.
Malaïka, the heroine of the series is albino. For producers, this choice is not insignificant and out of the ordinary. Also, this choice aims to get children to love their albino friends. And also allow albinos to express themselves.
« We just wanted to take an albino, not to depict the difficulty of being albino, but just a heroine: depending on that, people identify with her because the albino is a person like the others and also has Rights “, showed Wilfried Paré, producer of the series.
Several major themes are covered in the series, namely sport and leisure through wrestling in San country, archery in Lobi country, camel racing in Fulani country, the Binon. Other themes such as Rites and customs, the environment, arts and crafts. It is moreover, this theme which is approached in “the mural frescoes of Tiébelé” which was the object of projection.
It should be noted that the animated series “Malaïka, cultural heritage of a nation” is a Burkinabè production of 27 episodes of 7 minutes each with a cost of nearly 7 million per episode. It will be subtitled in 4 languages.
Aminata Catherine Sanou
Burkina 24