A tight-knit sports community

The Pointe-du-Lac Minor Baseball Association is made up of twelve passionate people who offer their time so that the young people of the community can have fun and grow while playing baseball.

Most of them got involved in the association because their children played baseball. One thing leading to another, they accumulated the little nudges here and there to get fully involved in the cause.

This is particularly the case for Steve L’Italien, who is now president of the Pointe-du-Lac Minor Baseball Association. “What makes me like it is to see that we make young people happy,” he confides. We give time to see them smile. »

His volunteer involvement requires several hours of work, especially for meetings with Baseball Mauricie, Baseball Quebec and the City of Trois-Rivières.

Other members of his team help him with the purchase of equipment, schedules, accounting and everything else.

“For the past few years, we have been hosting the AA and A championships, mentions Mr. L’Italien. It adds to the task, but it’s worth it. These are great experiences that we live at home. We also receive congratulations for the work we do. It’s motivating. »

The Pointe-du-Lac Minor Baseball Association is the only association that does not have a borough, i.e. it is made up solely of players from Pointe-du-Lac and does not have need to get players from the periphery.

“We have enough young people in our pool to be competitive, maintains Daniel Mathieu, member of the Association. We have 9 to 10 teams per summer. We have great infrastructure and I think that also motivates young people to register and parents to get involved. »

“We really have a great group of volunteers,” adds Patricia Chabot, also a member of the Association. Here, in Pointe-du-Lac, people get on board and support us. The community spirit has a lot to do with it. People like it and it’s very family friendly. It’s like a village spirit. There is no shortage of volunteers and registrations have increased over the years. We also have a good succession at the level of scorers and referees. »

Return of electricity planned for this summer

With the arrival of the baseball season, which will begin in a few weeks, the members of the Association are in contact with the City of Trois-Rivières regarding the supply of electricity to the field. This is because it came from the Pavillon des Seigneurs which was razed by the flames.

“We are trying to get a little more information from the City,” says Mr. L’Italien. As it is there, we no longer have any evening lights, neither in our players’ dugouts, nor for our scoreboard. The City tells us that they are currently in the bidding process. We do not know for the moment when it will go. They expect it to be done in early summer. »

Until then, preparations for the season are well under way. In May, the players will return to the field.


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