After two years finally champions celebration in Oostrozebeke

During a pleasant celebration, after a two-year hiatus, all sports champions were once again put in the spotlight. All champions of 2020 and 2021 were invited to the large Enaeme Hall for a ceremony.

The celebration traditionally started with the honoring of the deserving citizens 2021. That honor fell to Caroline Marvylde, who received the title of Krak 2020 from Oostrozebeke. She earned her spurs in volunteering for the local school and church community of De Ginste. It was André Vanveerdeghem’s turn as Krak 2021. His election was the culmination of years of selfless dedication to the associations of the Pauwhoek. He has been the chairman and great inspirer of the Pauwhoekommegangfeesten for many years.ChampioenenAfter this it was the turn of the champions in the various sports disciplines. In badminton Thomas Mabbe became Belgian champion and Warre Baert provincial champion. In bowling, the trophies were for Rita Tytgat and Freddy Desplenter for 2020 and for Geert Moreel and Hilde Van Esbrieck for 2021. The champions of Okra cycling were Marc Beke and Agnes Bogaert. Jurgen Anthone was champion at WTC Sportingtrappers and Nick Cuypers was mountain champion. The card champions were Raoul Bogaert, Arlette Vansteenkiste, Gilbert Denys, Gery Vandermeulen, Daniel Vancolen and Floris Sabbe. The best pétanquers 2021 were Rita Tytgat, Herman Callens, Hilde Van Esbroeck, André Debacker and Gaby D’Hayere. In pistol shooting, Elise Debo was both provincial and Belgian champion in her category. There were also good performances in the taekwondo Belgian championship of Assia Vanryckeghem, Zion Duyck and Claude Duyck. Ivan Kindt was once again unbeatable in wheelchair tennis. Finally, the finch sport also sent off a few champions. The best finches in 2021 were Benny Roelstraete and Eddy Dejonghe, Veerlij Hostijn, Marc Derhore, Luc Desloovere, Luc Castelein and Norbert Vandevijvere. The celebration was concluded with a demonstration by the Dukes Warriors Taekwondo, a recently established Oostrozebeek association. Laureates Naturally, most attention went to the sports laureates such as deserving young people and sportsmen and women. They received a unique gift, an adapted painting by artist Georges Scheldstraete. The artworks went to deserving younger girl 2020 Elise Debo, who earned her spurs in pistol shooting. Athletics man Dirk Lannoo became sportsman of the year 2020. However, a sportswoman for 2020 was not found. The deserving younger girl 2021 became Assia Vanryckeghem (martial arts). The trophy for sports figure went to Leliane Debo who has earned her spurs in recreational sports. Also for 2021 no sportswoman was found due to lack of results. There was another sportsman 2021, namely wheelchair tennis player Ivan Kindt. (JC)


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