The Fort of the Morochas will once again host another epic night of basketball tonight.
Argentine receives the visit of Quimsa from Santiago del Esterothe undisputed leader of the regular phase of the championship.
Nice game to watch. They are two teams with different needs and both want to win.
Last night
Hispano 70 vs La Union Fsa 73
21.30 Regattas vs Riachuelo
21.30 Argentine vs. Quimsa
Thursday 31
20.30 Boca vs La Union Fsa
21 Hispanic vs. Penarol
21 Union (Sf) vs Works
friday 1
21 Gymnastics (Cr) vs. Quimsa
9:30 p.m. San Martin vs. Riachuelo
21.30 Athens (Cba) vs Institute
saturday 2
20 San Lorenzo vs Boca
21 Ferro vs Penarol
21 Communications vs Works
21.30 Regatas vs Oberá Tc
21.30 Athens (Cba) vs Olympic
Sunday 3
20 Hispanic vs. Argentine
21 Platense vs. Quimsa
21.30 The Union Fsa vs. Riachuelo
It remains with the Turk
Sunday 3/4
20 Hispanic vs. Argentine
Tuesday 5
20 Works vs. Argentine
Friday, 8
21.30 Argentine vs Regattas
Wednesday 13
21.30 Argentine vs. Penarol
friday 15
21.30 Argentine vs. San Martin
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