Basket School Messina and Castanea win the away derbies

Basket School Messina and Castanea win the away derbies

On the third day of the clock phase of the C Gold championship, the people of Messina paid a visit to Orsa Barcellona and the Unemployed Milazzo

Fourth consecutive success for Basket School Messina, which takes the derby against Orsa Barcellona and, taking advantage of the home defeat of the Unemployed Milazzo, overtaken by Castanea, climbs to second place alone in the C Gold series championship standings, Memorial Haitem Fathallah .

All simple for the leaders Green basketball Palermo who continues to win by overcoming Vis Reggio Calabria. Victory also for Nuova Pallacanestro Messina, in advance of Saturday against Orlandina Lab, and Fortitudo Messina which returns to victory by conquering the PalaCus of Catania against the Sport Club Gravina.

Orsa Barcellona – Basket School Messina 66-75

At Palalberti it was a hard-fought and pleasant derby, the visiting team always held the reins of the match, even reaching a maximum advantage of 15 points in the second period (16-31). Barcelona never gave up, trying to get back into the game, reaching a five-point disadvantage (47-52) at the start of the last quarter and on a couple of occasions got closer to -6.

Basket School Messina, limited by a good defensive performance of the premises, found in Mazzullo and Manfrè (16 points each) the best scorers, followed by the very marked Scerbinskis and a precise Nino Sidoti (7/7 to free) with 14 points to report. President Crisafulli’s Orsa Barcellona paid for the inexperience of its young players in some circumstances, but can be considered satisfied with the performance offered against a more experienced team. Next week the Messina will host Gravina, in a high ranking challenge.

Released Milazzo – Castanea Basket 88-92

Home defeat for the Unemployed Milazzo who at PalaMilone is overtaken by Castanea Basket. After an excellent start to the match, + 10 at the end of the first period, the boys of coach Trimboli suffered the return of the guests in the second fraction. We went to rest on 38-37 for the Mamertines. Upon returning, the Castanea overtaking operated with greater intensity. Unclear Milazzo could no longer find the way to the basket and the guests stretched to +9. At the arrival of the third siren the Svincolati made from beyond the arc, the fourth ended on 61-67.

The last period recorded at the opening the guest extension, + 11. The Svincolati reconnected the plug and placed a 7-0 partial and got back under obtaining the overtaking on + 3, 78-75 four minutes from the end. In the final minutes an authentic question and answer of the two teams who alternated in the achievements, one minute before the end of the scoreboard said +1 for the locals. The last sixty seconds, however, rewarded Castanea. Of note, during the minute of silence as a sign of solidarity for Ukraine and the victims of the conflict, the banner “No War” that the players of the Unemployed Milazzo have displayed on the pitch.

Orlandina Lab – New Basketball Messina 38-103

New Messina Basketball without problems in the advance against Orlandina Lab, the Giallorossi pass with a wide gap against the very young opponents. Second consecutive victory of the clock phase for the Nuova Pallacanestro Messina which, in the advance of the third day, passes by 103-38 on the Orlandina Lab parquet. at the interval (22-51) and sending all the men available to the scoresheet.

Budrys top scorer of the match with 31 points, fan for Maddaloni (21) and double figures for Cipriani (13), Lo Iacono, Fernandes Barroca (11 each) and Pierleoni (10). In the standings Nuova Pallacanestro captures two important points to consolidate the playoff position which currently sees Manzo’s team in sixth place. The Nuova Pallacanestro will return to the field on the fourth day of the clock phase, before the second round, at home at PalaTracuzzi against Orsa Barcellona, ​​with a duo ball on Sunday 6 March at 6 pm.

Sport Club Gravina – Fortituto Messina 71-74

After 84 days of abstinence, Fortitudo savors the taste of victory by storming the PalaCus of Catania. At Gravina without Florio, after many matches often played on the edge of balance against more accredited formations, the guys of coach Cavalieri finally find the right serenity and concentration in the final to bring the final result on their side.

After two substantially balanced quarters, the home team in the third quarter stretches with a partial of 18-9 which seems to direct the inertia of the match in favor of Gravina. In the last partial, however, Fortitudo puts the arrow and with a partial of 27-14 in the last 6 minutes packs a victory that was missing away from home from the very sad 17 October.

Results Day 3 Clock

Orlandina Lab – New Basketball Messina 38-103
Cus Catania – Mastria Catanzaro 57-77
Orsa Barcellona – Basket School Messina 66-75
Basket School Gela – Dierre Reggio Calabria 90-78
Sport Club Gravina – Fortituto Messina 71-74
Released Milazzo – Castanea Basket 88-92
Green Basket Palermo – Vis Reggio Calabria 90-66

Serie C Gold table

Green basket Palermo 28 points
Basket School Messina 24 points
Unemployed Milazzo 22 points
Sport Club Gravina, Mastria Catanzaro 20 points
New Pallacanestro Messina, Basket School Gela 18 points
Vis Reggio Calabria 16 points
Castanea basket 14 points
Orsa Barcelona 10 points
Fortitudo Messina, Dierre Reggio Calabria 8 points
Cus Catania 4 points
Orlandina Lab 0 points

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