Corona alarm in the Volkspark: HSV wants to have the Aue game relocated

Now Corona has also hit HSV with full force. Due to numerous suspected cases within the team and in the staff area, training on Thursday was initially canceled. After extensive testing in the morning, it is now clear that a large part of the squad has been infected. HSV has applied for the Saturday home game against Erzgebirge Aue to be rescheduled.

Corona alarm in the Volkspark. After defensive man Moritz Heyer was caught on Tuesday, the virus is now really raging. On Wednesday evening, several professionals and staff members complained of being unwell, and the club set up a test at short notice. During Thursday morning, the doctors and team management received more calls, the symptoms were the same.

What happened in Volkspark this week? What about HSV ahead of the next matchday? Every Friday, the Rautenpost provides you with analyses, updates and transfer rumours. Just in time for the weekend, you will receive a brief summary of all the latest news of the week about HSV from us – directly by e-mail to your inbox. Click here and subscribe for free.

The result: The training scheduled for the morning was postponed indefinitely. Instead, the pros drove up to the stadium’s drive-in station, isolated from each other, from 9 a.m. and had themselves tested. The evaluation then revealed numerous corona cases. At least ten people are said to be affected.

HSV professionals complain about corona symptoms

HSV has not yet announced how many professionals are involved, around two thirds of the suspected cases, it was whispered in the Volkspark, are members of the team. Sports director Jonas Boldt made it clear via the club media: “Unfortunately, we would not be able to play in the current situation and have canceled the training sessions scheduled for today.”

But what’s next? HSV is in close contact with the health department and the DFL. The goal: a relocation of the game against Aue! But will that happen? As long as the club has more than 15 players, the chance of a transfer would be low, according to the association’s rules of the game. At least nine licensed players and including at least one goalkeeper must be able to play. The remaining squad places can be taken by amateur and contract players who are eligible to play in the licensed team.

HSV has not yet had a corona outbreak of this kind

For HSV it would be the first violent corona outbreak since the pandemic appeared around two years ago. Never before have several professionals been hit at the same time.

League competitor Fortuna Düsseldorf (HSV’s next away opponent on March 19) had already reported a total of 20 corona cases within the team and staff on Wednesday.

Now it has also caught the hamburger.


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