Demonstration of power in Mannheim: The polar bears come out of quarantine furiously – Sport

Demonstration of power in Mannheim: The polar bears come out of quarantine furiously – Sport

The 4-0 demonstration of power by the polar bears in Mannheim should not only have caused the defeated opponent to ponder. The fact that the leader of the table, after a week’s team quarantine and then only two training sessions, can control the first pursuer at the time in such a way – the Berliners themselves had not expected that. “I didn’t know exactly what to expect,” said Matt White, scorer to make it 2-0. “Winning in Mannheim is very special for the team. The fact that we got out of quarantine like this is great and shows the chemistry in our team.”

Almost all teams were in quarantine this season due to corona infections. As a rule, it took two or three games before the wear and tear and the lack of training sessions were shaken off and digested. Anyone who believed in the current case that the dominance of the Berliners could end, at least in the short term, was wrong. The opposite was the case: In a few games this season, the polar bears presented themselves tactically so well structured compared to their direct competition. “We have 23 guys in the squad, but they think like one, that’s what makes us so strong,” praised coach Serge Aubin. “Everyone has their role.”

The squad is as deep as it has been for a long time

The fact that goalkeeper Mathias Niederberger, defender Morgan Ellis and strikers Marcel Noebels, Leo Pföderl, Giovanni Fiore and Mark Zengerle were missing a sextet was of little consequence. Because over 60 minutes – and that was rare even this season – we worked and defended constantly. Tobias Ancicka, who represented Niederberger strongly with his second shutout this season, said of the successful defensive work: “Even when we were only 1-0 up for a long time, they didn’t get hectic at the back.”

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Only a few players are likely to feel hectic in the coming days as the competition intensifies. After the next away game in Schwenningen on Sunday (5 p.m.), more and more players will gradually crowd into the line-up than there are places available. Due to the late commitments of Dominik Bokk and Johan Södergran, who celebrated an inconspicuous but solid debut in Mannheim, the squad is as deep as it has been for a long time. Which should make the opponents ponder even more.



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